Source code for treetime.clock_tree

import numpy as np
from . import config as ttconf
from . import MissingDataError, UnknownMethodError, TreeTimeUnknownError
from .treeanc import TreeAnc
from .utils import numeric_date, DateConversion, datestring_from_numeric
from .distribution import Distribution
from .branch_len_interpolator import BranchLenInterpolator
from .node_interpolator import NodeInterpolator

[docs]class ClockTree(TreeAnc): """ ClockTree is the main class to perform the optimization of the node positions given the temporal constraints of (some) leaves. The optimization workflow includes the inference of the ancestral sequences and branch length optimization using TreeAnc. After the optimization is done, the nodes with date-time information are arranged along the time axis, the conversion between the branch lengths units and the date-time units is determined. Then, for each internal node, we compute the the probability distribution of the node's location conditional on the fixed location of the leaves, which have temporal information. In the end, the most probable location of the internal nodes is converted to the most likely time of the internal nodes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, dates=None, debug=False, real_dates=True, precision_fft = 'auto', precision='auto', precision_branch='auto', branch_length_mode='joint', use_covariation=False, use_fft=True, **kwargs): """ ClockTree constructor Parameters ---------- dates : dict :code:`{leaf_name:leaf_date}` dictionary debug : bool If True, the debug mode is ON, which means no or less clean-up of obsolete parameters to control program execution in intermediate states. In debug mode, the python debugger is also allowed to interrupt program execution with intercative shell if an error occurs. real_dates : bool If True, some additional checks for the input dates sanity will be performed. precision : int Precision can be 0 (rough), 1 (default), 2 (fine), or 3 (ultra fine). This parameter determines the number of grid points that are used for the evaluation of the branch length interpolation objects. When not specified, this will default to 1 for short sequences and 2 for long sequences with L>1e4 precision_fft : int When calculating convolutions using the FFT approach a regular discrete grid needs to be chosen. To optimize the calculation the size is not set to a fixed number but is determined by the FWHM of the distributions. The number of points desired to span the width of the FWHM of a distribution can be specified explicitly by precision_fft (default is 200). branch_length_mode : str determines whether branch length are calculated using the 'joint' ML, 'marginal' ML, or branch length of the input tree ('input'). use_covariation : bool determines whether root-to-tip regression accounts for covariance introduced by shared ancestry. use_fft: boolean Use FFT for calculation of convolution integrals if true (default). The alternative is kept to be able to reproduce previous behavior. **kwargs: Key word arguments passed on to the parent class (TreeAnc) """ super(ClockTree, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if dates is None: raise MissingDataError("ClockTree requires date constraints!") self.debug=debug self.real_dates = real_dates self.date_dict = dates self.use_fft = use_fft self._date2dist = None # we do not know anything about the conversion self.tip_slack = ttconf.OVER_DISPERSION # extra number of mutations added # to terminal branches in covariance calculation self.rel_tol_prune = ttconf.REL_TOL_PRUNE self.rel_tol_refine = ttconf.REL_TOL_REFINE self.branch_length_mode = branch_length_mode self.clock_model=None self.use_covariation=use_covariation # if false, covariation will be ignored in rate estimates. self._set_precision(precision) self._set_precision_fft(precision_fft, precision_branch) self._assign_dates()
def _assign_dates(self): """assign dates to nodes Returns ------- str success/error code """ if self.tree is None: raise MissingDataError("ClockTree._assign_dates: tree is not set, can't assign dates") bad_branch_counter = 0 for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='postorder'): if in self.date_dict: tmp_date = self.date_dict[] if np.isscalar(tmp_date) and np.isnan(tmp_date): self.logger("WARNING: ClockTree.init: node %s has a bad date: %s"%(, str(tmp_date)), 2, warn=True) node.raw_date_constraint = None node.bad_branch = True else: try: tmp = np.mean(tmp_date) node.raw_date_constraint = tmp_date node.bad_branch = False except: self.logger("WARNING: ClockTree.init: node %s has a bad date: %s"%(, str(tmp_date)), 2, warn=True) node.raw_date_constraint = None node.bad_branch = True else: # nodes without date contraints node.raw_date_constraint = None if node.is_terminal(): # Terminal branches without date constraints marked as 'bad' node.bad_branch = True else: # If all branches dowstream are 'bad', and there is no date constraint for # this node, the branch is marked as 'bad' node.bad_branch = np.all([x.bad_branch for x in node]) if node.is_terminal() and node.bad_branch: bad_branch_counter += 1 if bad_branch_counter>self.tree.count_terminals()-3: raise MissingDataError("ERROR: ALMOST NO VALID DATE CONSTRAINTS") self.logger("ClockTree._assign_dates: assigned date constraints to {} out of {} tips.".format(self.tree.count_terminals()-bad_branch_counter, self.tree.count_terminals()), 1) return ttconf.SUCCESS def _set_precision(self, precision): ''' function that sets precision to a (hopefully) reasonable guess based on the length of the sequence if not explicitly set ''' # if precision is explicitly specified, use it. if self.one_mutation: self.min_width = 10*self.one_mutation else: self.min_width = 0.001 if precision in [0,1,2,3]: self.precision=precision if self.one_mutation and self.one_mutation<1e-4 and precision<2: self.logger("ClockTree._set_precision: FOR LONG SEQUENCES (>1e4) precision>=2 IS RECOMMENDED." " precision %d was specified by the user"%precision, level=0) else: # otherwise adjust it depending on the minimal sensible branch length if self.one_mutation: if self.one_mutation>1e-4: self.precision=1 else: self.precision=2 else: self.precision=1 self.logger("ClockTree: Setting precision to level %s"%self.precision, 2) if self.precision==0: self.node_grid_points = ttconf.NODE_GRID_SIZE_ROUGH self.branch_grid_points = ttconf.BRANCH_GRID_SIZE_ROUGH self.n_integral = ttconf.N_INTEGRAL_ROUGH elif self.precision==2: self.node_grid_points = ttconf.NODE_GRID_SIZE_FINE self.branch_grid_points = ttconf.BRANCH_GRID_SIZE_FINE self.n_integral = ttconf.N_INTEGRAL_FINE elif self.precision==3: self.node_grid_points = ttconf.NODE_GRID_SIZE_ULTRA self.branch_grid_points = ttconf.BRANCH_GRID_SIZE_ULTRA self.n_integral = ttconf.N_INTEGRAL_ULTRA else: self.node_grid_points = ttconf.NODE_GRID_SIZE self.branch_grid_points = ttconf.BRANCH_GRID_SIZE self.n_integral = ttconf.N_INTEGRAL def _set_precision_fft(self, precision_fft, precision_branch='auto'): ''' function to set the number of grid points for the minimal FWHM window and branch grid when calculating the marginal distribution using the FFT-based approach The default parameters ttconf.FFT_FWHM_GRID_SIZE and branch_grid_points determined in set_precision are used unless an integer value is specified using precision_fft and precision_branch ''' if type(precision_fft) is int: self.logger("ClockTree.init._set_precision_fft: setting fft grid size explicitly," " fft_grid_points=%.3e"%(precision_fft), 2) self.fft_grid_size = precision_fft elif precision_fft!='auto': raise UnknownMethodError(f"ClockTree: precision_fft needs to be either 'auto' or an integer, got '{precision_fft}'.") else: self.fft_grid_size = ttconf.FFT_FWHM_GRID_SIZE if type(precision_branch) is int: self.logger("ClockTree.init._set_precision_fft: setting branch grid size explicitly," " branch_grid_points=%.3e"%(precision_branch), 2) self.branch_grid_points = precision_branch @property def date2dist(self): return self._date2dist @date2dist.setter def date2dist(self, val): if val is None: self._date2dist = None else: self.logger("ClockTree.date2dist: Setting new molecular clock." " rate=%.3e, R^2=%.4f"%(val.clock_rate, val.r_val**2), 2) self._date2dist = val def setup_TreeRegression(self, covariation=True): """instantiate a TreeRegression object and set its tip_value and branch_value function to defaults that are sensible for treetime instances. Parameters ---------- covariation : bool, optional account for phylogenetic covariation Returns ------- TreeRegression a TreeRegression instance with self.tree attached as tree. """ from .treeregression import TreeRegression tip_value = lambda x:np.mean(x.raw_date_constraint) if (x.is_terminal() and (x.bad_branch is False)) else None branch_value = lambda x:x.mutation_length if covariation: om = self.one_mutation branch_variance = lambda x:((max(0,x.clock_length) if hasattr(x,'clock_length') else x.mutation_length) +(self.tip_slack**2*om if x.is_terminal() else 0.0))*om else: branch_variance = lambda x:1.0 if x.is_terminal() else 0.0 Treg = TreeRegression(self.tree, tip_value=tip_value, branch_value=branch_value, branch_variance=branch_variance) Treg.valid_confidence = covariation return Treg def get_clock_model(self, covariation=True, slope=None): self.logger(f'ClockTree.get_clock_model: estimating clock model with covariation={covariation}',3) Treg = self.setup_TreeRegression(covariation=covariation) self.clock_model = Treg.regression(slope=slope) if not np.isfinite(self.clock_model['slope']): raise ValueError("Clock rate estimation failed. If your data lacks temporal signal, please specify the rate explicitly!") if not Treg.valid_confidence or (slope is not None): if 'cov' in self.clock_model: self.clock_model.pop('cov') self.clock_model['valid_confidence']=False else: self.clock_model['valid_confidence']=True self.clock_model['r_val'] = Treg.explained_variance() self.date2dist = DateConversion.from_regression(self.clock_model)
[docs] def init_date_constraints(self, clock_rate=None, **kwarks): """ Get the conversion coefficients between the dates and the branch lengths as they are used in ML computations. The conversion formula is assumed to be 'length = k*numdate + b'. For convenience, these coefficients as well as regression parameters are stored in the 'dates2dist' object. .. Note:: The tree must have dates set to all nodes before calling this function. Parameters ---------- clock_rate: float If specified, timetree optimization will be done assuming a fixed clock rate as specified """ self.logger("ClockTree.init_date_constraints...",2) self.tree.coalescent_joint_LH = 0 if self.aln and (not self.sequence_reconstruction): self.infer_ancestral_sequences('probabilistic', marginal=self.branch_length_mode=='marginal', sample_from_profile='root',**kwarks) # set the None for the date-related attributes in the internal nodes. # make interpolation objects for the branches self.logger('ClockTree.init_date_constraints: Initializing branch length interpolation objects...',2) has_clock_length = [] for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='postorder'): if node.up is None: node.branch_length_interpolator = None else: has_clock_length.append(hasattr(node, 'clock_length')) # copy the merger rate and gamma if they are set if hasattr(node,'branch_length_interpolator') and node.branch_length_interpolator is not None: gamma = node.branch_length_interpolator.gamma else: gamma = 1.0 if self.branch_length_mode=='marginal': node.profile_pair = self.marginal_branch_profile(node) elif self.branch_length_mode=='joint' and (not hasattr(node, 'branch_state')): self.add_branch_state(node) node.branch_length_interpolator = BranchLenInterpolator(node, self.gtr, pattern_multiplicity =, min_width=self.min_width, one_mutation=self.one_mutation, branch_length_mode=self.branch_length_mode, n_grid_points = self.branch_grid_points) node.branch_length_interpolator.gamma = gamma # use covariance in clock model only after initial timetree estimation is done use_cov = (np.sum(has_clock_length) > len(has_clock_length)*0.7) and self.use_covariation self.get_clock_model(covariation=use_cov, slope=clock_rate) self.logger('ClockTree.init_date_constraints: node date constraints objects...', 2) # make node distribution objects for node in self.tree.find_clades(order="postorder"): # node is constrained if hasattr(node, 'raw_date_constraint') and node.raw_date_constraint is not None: # set the absolute time before present in branch length units if np.isscalar(node.raw_date_constraint): tbp = self.date2dist.get_time_before_present(node.raw_date_constraint) node.date_constraint = Distribution.delta_function(tbp, weight=1.0, min_width=self.min_width) else: tbp = self.date2dist.get_time_before_present(np.array(node.raw_date_constraint)) node.date_constraint = Distribution(tbp, np.ones_like(tbp), is_log=False, min_width=self.min_width) if hasattr(node, 'bad_branch') and node.bad_branch is True: self.logger("ClockTree.init_date_constraints -- WARNING: Branch is marked as bad" ", excluding it from the optimization process." " Date constraint will be ignored!", 4, warn=True) else: # node without sampling date set node.raw_date_constraint = None node.date_constraint = None
[docs] def make_time_tree(self, time_marginal=False, clock_rate=None, **kwargs): ''' Use the date constraints to calculate the most likely positions of unconstrained nodes. Parameters ---------- time_marginal : bool If true, use marginal reconstruction for node positions **kwargs Key word arguments to initialize dates constraints ''' self.logger("ClockTree: Maximum likelihood tree optimization with temporal constraints",1) self.init_date_constraints(clock_rate=clock_rate, **kwargs) if time_marginal: self._ml_t_marginal() else: self._ml_t_joint() self.tree.positional_LH = self.timetree_likelihood(time_marginal) self.convert_dates()
def _ml_t_joint(self): """ Compute the joint maximum likelihood assignment of the internal nodes positions by propagating from the tree leaves towards the root. Given the assignment of parent nodes, reconstruct the maximum-likelihood positions of the child nodes by propagating from the root to the leaves. The result of this operation is the time_before_present value, which is the position of the node, expressed in the units of the branch length, and scaled from the present-day. The value is assigned to the corresponding attribute of each node of the tree. Returns ------- None Every internal node is assigned the probability distribution in form of an interpolation object and sends this distribution further towards the root. """ def _cleanup(): for node in self.tree.find_clades(): del node.joint_pos_Lx del node.joint_pos_Cx self.logger("ClockTree - Joint reconstruction: Propagating leaves -> root...", 2) # go through the nodes from leaves towards the root: for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='postorder'): # children first, msg to parents # Lx is the maximal likelihood of a subtree given the parent position # Cx is the branch length corresponding to the maximally likely subtree if node.bad_branch: # no information at the node node.joint_pos_Lx = None node.joint_pos_Cx = None else: # all other nodes if node.date_constraint is not None and node.date_constraint.is_delta: # there is a strict time constraint # subtree probability given the position of the parent node # Lx.x is the position of the parent node # Lx.y is the probability of the subtree (consisting of one terminal node in this case) # Cx.y is the branch length corresponding the optimal subtree bl = node.branch_length_interpolator.x x = bl + node.date_constraint.peak_pos # if a merger model is defined, add its (log) rate to the propagated distribution if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: node.joint_pos_Lx = Distribution(x, -self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(node.date_constraint.peak_pos) + node.branch_length_interpolator(bl), min_width=self.min_width, is_log=True) else: node.joint_pos_Lx = Distribution(x, node.branch_length_interpolator(bl), min_width=self.min_width, is_log=True) node.joint_pos_Cx = Distribution(x, bl, min_width=self.min_width) # map back to the branch length else: # all nodes without precise constraint but positional information msgs_to_multiply = [node.date_constraint] if node.date_constraint is not None else [] child_messages = [child.joint_pos_Lx for child in node.clades if child.joint_pos_Lx is not None] msgs_to_multiply.extend(child_messages) ## When a coalescent model is being used, the cost of having no merger events along the branch ## and one at the node at time t is also factored in: -np.log((gamma(t) * np.exp**-I(t))**(k-1)), ## where k is the number of branches that merge at node t, gamma(t) is the total_merger_rate ## at time t and I(t) is the integral of the merger_rate (rate of a given lineage converging) ## evaluated at position t. (Note that the integral of the merger rate is in fact calculated ## for k branches, but due to the fact that inner branches overlap at time t one can be removed ## resulting in the exponent (k-1)) if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: time_points = np.unique(np.concatenate([msg.x for msg in msgs_to_multiply])) if node.is_terminal(): msgs_to_multiply.append(Distribution(time_points, -self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(time_points), is_log=True)) else: msgs_to_multiply.append(self.merger_model.node_contribution(node, time_points)) # msgs_to_multiply combined returns the subtree likelihood given the node's constraint and child messages if len(msgs_to_multiply) == 0: # there are no constraints node.joint_pos_Lx = None node.joint_pos_Cx = None continue elif len(msgs_to_multiply)>1: # combine the different msgs and constraints subtree_distribution = Distribution.multiply(msgs_to_multiply) else: # there is exactly one constraint. subtree_distribution = msgs_to_multiply[0] if node.up is None: # this is the root, set dates if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: # Removed merger rate must be added back at the root as nolonger an internal node subtree_distribution = Distribution.multiply([subtree_distribution, Distribution(subtree_distribution.x, self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(subtree_distribution.x), is_log=True)]) subtree_distribution._adjust_grid(rel_tol=self.rel_tol_prune) # set root position and joint likelihood of the tree node.time_before_present = subtree_distribution.peak_pos node.joint_pos_Lx = subtree_distribution node.joint_pos_Cx = None node.clock_length = node.branch_length else: # otherwise propagate to parent res, res_t = NodeInterpolator.convolve(subtree_distribution, node.branch_length_interpolator, max_or_integral='max', inverse_time=True, n_grid_points = self.node_grid_points, n_integral=self.n_integral, rel_tol=self.rel_tol_refine) res._adjust_grid(rel_tol=self.rel_tol_prune) node.joint_pos_Lx = res node.joint_pos_Cx = res_t # construct the inverse cumulant distribution for the branch number estimates from scipy.interpolate import interp1d if node.date_constraint is not None and node.date_constraint.is_delta: node.joint_inverse_cdf=interp1d([0,1], node.date_constraint.peak_pos*np.ones(2), kind="linear") elif isinstance(subtree_distribution, Distribution): dt = np.diff(subtree_distribution.x) y = subtree_distribution.prob_relative(subtree_distribution.x) int_y = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(dt*(y[1:]+y[:-1])/2.0))) int_y/=int_y[-1] node.joint_inverse_cdf = interp1d(int_y, subtree_distribution.x, kind="linear") #node.joint_cdf = interp1d(subtree_distribution.x, int_y, kind="linear") # go through the nodes from root towards the leaves and assign joint ML positions: self.logger("ClockTree - Joint reconstruction: Propagating root -> leaves...", 2) for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'): # root first, msgs to children if node.up is None: # root node continue # the position was already set on the previous step if node.joint_pos_Cx is None: # no constraints or branch is bad - reconstruct from the branch len interpolator if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model and node.up is not None: ##add merger_cost if using the coalescent model merger_cost = Distribution(node.branch_length_interpolator.x, self.merger_model.cost(node.time_before_present, node.branch_length_interpolator.x, multiplicity=len(node.up.clades)), is_log=True) node.branch_length = Distribution.multiply([merger_cost, node.branch_length_interpolator]).peak_pos else: node.branch_length = node.branch_length_interpolator.peak_pos elif node.date_constraint is not None and node.date_constraint.is_delta: node.branch_length = node.up.time_before_present - node.date_constraint.peak_pos elif isinstance(node.joint_pos_Cx, Distribution): # NOTE the Lx distribution is the likelihood, given the position of the parent # (Lx.x = parent position, Lx.y = LH of the node_pos given Lx.x, # the length of the branch corresponding to the most likely # subtree is node.Cx(node.up.time_before_present)) # subtree_LH = node.joint_pos_Lx(node.up.time_before_present) node.branch_length = node.joint_pos_Cx(max(node.joint_pos_Cx.xmin, node.up.time_before_present)) # clean up tiny negative branch length, warn against bigger ones. if node.branch_length<0: if node.branch_length>-2*ttconf.TINY_NUMBER: self.logger(f"ClockTree - Joint reconstruction: correcting rounding error of {} bl={node.branch_length:1.2e}", 4) else: self.logger(f"ClockTree - Joint reconstruction: NEGATIVE BRANCH LENGTH {} bl={node.branch_length:1.2e}", 2, warn=True) node.branch_length = 0 node.time_before_present = node.up.time_before_present - node.branch_length node.clock_length = node.branch_length # cleanup, if required if not self.debug: _cleanup()
[docs] def timetree_likelihood(self, time_marginal): ''' Return the likelihood of the data given the current branch length in the tree ''' if time_marginal: LH = self.tree.root.marginal_pos_LH.integrate(return_log=True, a=self.tree.root.marginal_pos_LH.xmin, b=self.tree.root.marginal_pos_LH.xmax, n=1000) else: LH = 0 for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'): # sum the likelihood contributions of all branches if node.up is None: # root node continue LH -= node.branch_length_interpolator(node.branch_length) # add the root sequence LH and return if self.aln and self.sequence_reconstruction: LH += self.gtr.sequence_logLH(self.tree.root.cseq, return LH
def _ml_t_marginal(self): """ Compute the marginal probability distribution of the internal nodes positions by propagating from the tree leaves towards the root. The result of this operation are the probability distributions of each internal node, conditional on the constraints on all leaves of the tree, which have sampling dates. The probability distributions are set as marginal_pos_LH attributes to the nodes. Parameters ---------- assign_dates : bool, default False If True, the inferred dates will be assigned to the nodes as :code:`time_before_present' attributes, and their branch lengths will be corrected accordingly. .. Note:: Normally, the dates are assigned by running joint reconstruction. Returns ------- None Every internal node is assigned the probability distribution in form of an interpolation object and sends this distribution further towards the root. """ def _cleanup(): for node in self.tree.find_clades(): try: del node.marginal_pos_Lx del node.subtree_distribution del node.msg_from_parent #del node.marginal_pos_LH except: pass method = 'FFT' if self.use_fft else 'explicit' self.logger(f"ClockTree - Marginal reconstruction using {method} convolution: Propagating leaves -> root...", 2) # go through the nodes from leaves towards the root: for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='postorder'): # children first, msg to parents if node.bad_branch: # no information node.marginal_pos_Lx = None else: # all other nodes if node.date_constraint is not None and node.date_constraint.is_delta: # there is a hard time constraint # initialize the Lx for nodes with precise date constraint: # subtree probability given the position of the parent node # position of the parent node is given by the branch length # distribution attached to the child node position node.subtree_distribution = node.date_constraint bl = node.branch_length_interpolator.x x = bl + node.date_constraint.peak_pos if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: node.marginal_pos_Lx = Distribution(x, -self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(node.date_constraint.peak_pos) +node.branch_length_interpolator(bl), min_width=self.min_width, is_log=True) else: node.marginal_pos_Lx = Distribution(x, node.branch_length_interpolator(bl), min_width=self.min_width, is_log=True) else: # all nodes without precise constraint but positional information # subtree likelihood given the node's constraint and child msg: msgs_to_multiply = [node.date_constraint] if node.date_constraint is not None else [] msgs_to_multiply.extend([child.marginal_pos_Lx for child in node.clades if child.marginal_pos_Lx is not None]) # combine the different msgs and constraints if len(msgs_to_multiply)==0: # no information node.marginal_pos_Lx = None continue elif len(msgs_to_multiply)==1: node.product_of_child_messages = msgs_to_multiply[0] else: # combine the different msgs and constraints node.product_of_child_messages = Distribution.multiply(msgs_to_multiply) ## When a coalescent model is being used, the cost of having no merger events along the branch ## and one at the node at time t is also factored in: -np.log((gamma(t) * np.exp**-I(t))**(k-1)), ## where k is the number of branches that merge at node t, gamma(t) is the total_merger_rate ## at time t and I(t) is the integral of the merger_rate (rate of a given lineage converging) ## evaluated at position t. (Note that the integral of the merger rate is in fact calculated ## for k branches, but due to the fact that inner branches overlap at time t one can be removed ## resulting in the exponent (k-1)) if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: time_points = node.product_of_child_messages.x # set multiplicity of node to number of good child branches if node.is_terminal(): merger_contribution = Distribution(time_points, -self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(time_points), is_log=True) else: merger_contribution = self.merger_model.node_contribution(node, time_points) node.subtree_distribution = Distribution.multiply([merger_contribution, node.product_of_child_messages]) else: node.subtree_distribution = node.product_of_child_messages if node.up is None: # this is the root, set dates node.subtree_distribution._adjust_grid(rel_tol=self.rel_tol_prune) node.marginal_pos_Lx = node.subtree_distribution if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: # Removed merger rate must be added back at the root as nolonger an internal node node.marginal_pos_LH = Distribution.multiply([node.subtree_distribution, Distribution(node.subtree_distribution.x, self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(node.subtree_distribution.x), is_log=True)]) else: node.marginal_pos_LH = node.subtree_distribution else: # otherwise propagate to parent if self.use_fft: res, res_t = NodeInterpolator.convolve_fft(node.subtree_distribution, node.branch_length_interpolator, self.fft_grid_size), None else: res, res_t = NodeInterpolator.convolve(node.subtree_distribution, node.branch_length_interpolator, max_or_integral='integral', n_grid_points = self.node_grid_points, n_integral=self.n_integral, rel_tol=self.rel_tol_refine) res._adjust_grid(rel_tol=self.rel_tol_prune) node.marginal_pos_Lx = res self.logger("ClockTree - Marginal reconstruction: Propagating root -> leaves...", 2) from scipy.interpolate import interp1d for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'): ## If a delta constraint in known no further work required if (node.date_constraint is not None) and (not node.bad_branch) and node.date_constraint.is_delta: node.marginal_pos_LH = node.date_constraint node.msg_from_parent = None #if internal node has a delta constraint no previous information is passed on elif node.up is None: node.msg_from_parent = None # nothing beyond the root # all other cases (All internal nodes + unconstrained terminals) else: parent = node.up msg_parent_to_node =None if node.marginal_pos_Lx is not None: if len(parent.clades)<5: # messages from the complementary subtree (iterate over all sister nodes) complementary_msgs = [parent.date_constraint] if parent.date_constraint is not None else [] complementary_msgs.extend([sister.marginal_pos_Lx for sister in parent.clades if (sister != node) and (sister.marginal_pos_Lx is not None)]) else: complementary_msgs = [Distribution.divide(parent.product_of_child_messages, node.marginal_pos_Lx)] # if parent itself got smth from the root node, include it if parent.msg_from_parent is not None: complementary_msgs.append(parent.msg_from_parent) if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and self.merger_model: time_points = parent.marginal_pos_LH.x if len(time_points)<5: time_points = np.unique(np.concatenate([ time_points, np.linspace(np.min([x.xmin for x in complementary_msgs]), np.max([x.xmax for x in complementary_msgs]), 50), np.linspace(np.min([x.effective_support[0] for x in complementary_msgs]), np.max([x.effective_support[1] for x in complementary_msgs]), 50), ])) # As Lx (the product of child messages) does not include the node contribution this must # be added to recover the full distribution of the parent node w/o contribution of the focal node. complementary_msgs.append(self.merger_model.node_contribution(parent, time_points)) # Removed merger rate must be added back if no msgs from parent (equivalent to root node case) if parent.msg_from_parent is None: complementary_msgs.append(Distribution(time_points, self.merger_model.integral_merger_rate(time_points), is_log=True)) if len(complementary_msgs): msg_parent_to_node = NodeInterpolator.multiply(complementary_msgs) msg_parent_to_node._adjust_grid(rel_tol=self.rel_tol_prune) elif parent.marginal_pos_LH is not None: msg_parent_to_node = parent.marginal_pos_LH if msg_parent_to_node is None: x = [parent.numdate, numeric_date()] msg_parent_to_node = NodeInterpolator(x, [1.0, 1.0],min_width=self.min_width) # integral message, which delivers to the node the positional information # from the complementary subtree if self.use_fft: res, res_t = NodeInterpolator.convolve_fft(msg_parent_to_node, node.branch_length_interpolator, fft_grid_size = self.fft_grid_size, inverse_time=False), None else: res, res_t = NodeInterpolator.convolve(msg_parent_to_node, node.branch_length_interpolator, max_or_integral='integral', inverse_time=False, n_grid_points = self.node_grid_points, n_integral=self.n_integral, rel_tol=self.rel_tol_refine) node.msg_from_parent = res if node.marginal_pos_Lx is None: node.marginal_pos_LH = node.msg_from_parent else: #node.subtree_distribution contains merger model contribution of this node node.marginal_pos_LH = NodeInterpolator.multiply((node.msg_from_parent, node.subtree_distribution)) self.logger('ClockTree._ml_t_root_to_leaves: computed convolution' ' with %d points at node %s'%(len(res.x),, 4) if self.debug: tmp = np.diff(res.y-res.peak_val) nsign_changed = np.sum((tmp[1:]*tmp[:-1]<0)&(res.y[1:-1]-res.peak_val<500)) if nsign_changed>1: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.plot(res.x, res.y-res.peak_val, '-o') plt.plot(res.peak_pos - node.branch_length_interpolator.x, node.branch_length_interpolator(node.branch_length_interpolator.x)-node.branch_length_interpolator.peak_val, '-o') plt.plot(msg_parent_to_node.x,msg_parent_to_node.y-msg_parent_to_node.peak_val, '-o') plt.ylim(0,100) plt.xlim(-0.05, 0.05) # assign positions of nodes and branch length # note that marginal reconstruction can result in negative branch lengths node.time_before_present = node.marginal_pos_LH.peak_pos if node.up: node.clock_length = node.up.time_before_present - node.time_before_present node.branch_length = node.clock_length # construct the inverse cumulative distribution to evaluate confidence intervals if node.marginal_pos_LH.is_delta: node.marginal_inverse_cdf=interp1d([0,1], node.marginal_pos_LH.peak_pos*np.ones(2), kind="linear") node.marginal_cdf = interp1d(node.marginal_pos_LH.peak_pos*np.ones(2), [0,1], kind="linear") else: dt = np.diff(node.marginal_pos_LH.x) y = node.marginal_pos_LH.prob_relative(node.marginal_pos_LH.x) int_y = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(dt*(y[1:]+y[:-1])/2.0))) int_x = node.marginal_pos_LH.x if int_y[-1] == 0: if len(dt)==0 or node.marginal_pos_LH.fwhm < 100*ttconf.TINY_NUMBER: ##delta function peak_idx = node.marginal_pos_LH._peak_idx int_y = np.concatenate((np.zeros(peak_idx), np.ones(len(node.marginal_pos_LH.x)-peak_idx))) if peak_idx == 0: int_y = np.concatenate(([0], int_y)) int_x = np.concatenate(([int_x[0]- ttconf.TINY_NUMBER], int_x)) else: raise TreeTimeUnknownError("Loss of probability in marginal time tree inference.") else: int_y/=int_y[-1] node.marginal_inverse_cdf = interp1d(int_y, int_x, kind="linear") node.marginal_cdf = interp1d(int_x, int_y, kind="linear") if not self.debug: _cleanup()
[docs] def convert_dates(self): ''' This function converts the estimated "time_before_present" properties of all nodes to numerical dates stored in the "numdate" attribute. This date is further converted into a human readable date string in format %Y-%m-%d assuming the usual calendar. Returns ------- None All manipulations are done in place on the tree ''' from datetime import datetime, timedelta now = numeric_date() for node in self.tree.find_clades(): years_bp = self.date2dist.to_years(node.time_before_present) if years_bp < 0 and self.real_dates: if not hasattr(node, "bad_branch") or node.bad_branch is False: self.logger("ClockTree.convert_dates -- WARNING: The node is later than today, but it is not " "marked as \"BAD\", which indicates the error in the " "likelihood optimization.", 4, warn=True) else: self.logger("ClockTree.convert_dates -- WARNING: node which is marked as \"BAD\" optimized " "later than present day", 4, warn=True) node.numdate = now - years_bp = datestring_from_numeric(node.numdate)
[docs] def branch_length_to_years(self): ''' This function sets branch length to reflect the date differences between parent and child nodes measured in years. Should only be called after :py:meth:`timetree.ClockTree.convert_dates` has been called. Returns ------- None All manipulations are done in place on the tree ''' self.logger('ClockTree.branch_length_to_years: setting node positions in units of years', 2) if not hasattr(self.tree.root, 'numdate'): self.logger('ClockTree.branch_length_to_years: infer ClockTree first', 2,warn=True) self.tree.root.branch_length = 0.1 for n in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'): if n.up is not None: n.branch_length = n.numdate - n.up.numdate
def calc_rate_susceptibility(self, rate_std=None, params=None): """return the time tree estimation of evolutionary rates +/- one standard deviation form the ML estimate. Returns ------- TreeTime.return_code : str success or failure """ params = params or {} if rate_std is None: if not (self.clock_model['valid_confidence'] and 'cov' in self.clock_model): raise ValueError("ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: need valid standard deviation of the clock rate to estimate dating error.") rate_std = np.sqrt(self.clock_model['cov'][0,0]) if self.clock_model['slope']<0: raise ValueError("ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: rate estimate is negative. In this case the heuristic treetime uses to account for uncertainty in the rate estimate does not work. Please specify the clock-rate and its standard deviation explicitly via CLI parameters or arguments.") current_rate = np.abs(self.clock_model['slope']) upper_rate = self.clock_model['slope'] + rate_std lower_rate = max(0.1*current_rate, self.clock_model['slope'] - rate_std) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): if n.up: n._orig_gamma = n.branch_length_interpolator.gamma n.branch_length_interpolator.gamma = n._orig_gamma*upper_rate/current_rate self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: run with upper bound of rate estimate", 1) self.make_time_tree(**params) self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: rate: %f, LH:%f"%(upper_rate, self.tree.positional_LH), 2) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.numdate_rate_variation = [(upper_rate, n.numdate)] if n.up: n.branch_length_interpolator.gamma = n._orig_gamma*lower_rate/current_rate self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: run with lower bound of rate estimate", 1) self.make_time_tree(**params) self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: rate: %f, LH:%f"%(lower_rate, self.tree.positional_LH), 2) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.numdate_rate_variation.append((lower_rate, n.numdate)) if n.up: n.branch_length_interpolator.gamma = n._orig_gamma self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: run with central rate estimate", 1) self.make_time_tree(**params) self.logger("###ClockTree.calc_rate_susceptibility: rate: %f, LH:%f"%(current_rate, self.tree.positional_LH), 2) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.numdate_rate_variation.append((current_rate, n.numdate)) n.numdate_rate_variation.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]) # sort estimates for different rates by numdate return ttconf.SUCCESS def date_uncertainty_due_to_rate(self, node, interval=(0.05, 0.095)): """use previously calculated variation of the rate to estimate the uncertainty in a particular numdate due to rate variation. Parameters ---------- node : PhyloTree.Clade node for which the confidence interval is to be calculated interval : tuple, optional Array of length two, or tuple, defining the bounds of the confidence interval """ if hasattr(node, "numdate_rate_variation"): from scipy.special import erfinv nsig = [np.sqrt(2.0)*erfinv(-1.0 + 2.0*x) if x*(1.0-x) else 0 for x in interval] l,c,u = [x[1] for x in node.numdate_rate_variation] return np.array([c + x*np.abs(y-c) for x,y in zip(nsig, (l,u))]) else: return None def combine_confidence(self, center, limits, c1=None, c2=None): if c1 is None and c2 is None: return np.array(limits) elif c1 is None: min_val,max_val = c2 elif c2 is None: min_val,max_val = c1 else: min_val = center - np.sqrt((c1[0]-center)**2 + (c2[0]-center)**2) max_val = center + np.sqrt((c1[1]-center)**2 + (c2[1]-center)**2) return np.array([max(limits[0], min_val), min(limits[1], max_val)])
[docs] def get_confidence_interval(self, node, interval = (0.05, 0.95)): ''' If temporal reconstruction was done using the marginal ML mode, the entire distribution of times is available. This function determines the 90% (or other) confidence interval, defined as the range where 5% of probability is below and above. Note that this does not necessarily contain the highest probability position. In absense of marginal reconstruction, it will return uncertainty based on rate variation. If both are present, the wider interval will be returned. Parameters ---------- node : PhyloTree.Clade The node for which the confidence interval is to be calculated interval : tuple, list Array of length two, or tuple, defining the bounds of the confidence interval Returns ------- confidence_interval : numpy array Array with two numerical dates delineating the confidence interval ''' rate_contribution = self.date_uncertainty_due_to_rate(node, interval) if hasattr(node, "marginal_inverse_cdf"): min_date, max_date = [self.date2dist.to_numdate(x) for x in (node.marginal_pos_LH.xmax, node.marginal_pos_LH.xmin)] if node.marginal_inverse_cdf=="delta": return np.array([node.numdate, node.numdate]) else: mutation_contribution = self.date2dist.to_numdate(node.marginal_inverse_cdf(np.array(interval))[::-1]) else: min_date, max_date = [-np.inf, np.inf] return self.combine_confidence(node.numdate, (min_date, max_date), c1=rate_contribution, c2=mutation_contribution)
[docs] def get_max_posterior_region(self, node, fraction = 0.9): ''' If temporal reconstruction was done using the marginal ML mode, the entire distribution of times is available. This function determines the interval around the highest posterior probability region that contains the specified fraction of the probability mass. In absense of marginal reconstruction, it will return uncertainty based on rate variation. If both are present, the wider interval will be returned. Parameters ---------- node : PhyloTree.Clade The node for which the posterior region is to be calculated interval : float Float specifying who much of the posterior probability is to be contained in the region Returns ------- max_posterior_region : numpy array Array with two numerical dates delineating the high posterior region ''' if node.marginal_inverse_cdf=="delta": return np.array([node.numdate, node.numdate]) min_max = (node.marginal_pos_LH.xmin, node.marginal_pos_LH.xmax) min_date, max_date = [self.date2dist.to_numdate(x) for x in min_max][::-1] if node.marginal_pos_LH.peak_pos == min_max[0]: #peak on the left return self.get_confidence_interval(node, (0, fraction)) elif node.marginal_pos_LH.peak_pos == min_max[1]: #peak on the right return self.get_confidence_interval(node, (1.0-fraction, 1.0)) else: # peak in the center of the distribution rate_contribution = self.date_uncertainty_due_to_rate(node, ((1-fraction)*0.5, 1.0-(1.0-fraction)*0.5)) # construct height to position interpolators left and right of the peak # this assumes there is only one peak --- might fail in odd cases from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar as minimize pidx = np.argmin(node.marginal_pos_LH.y) pval = np.min(node.marginal_pos_LH.y) # check if the distribution as at least 3 points and that the peak is not either of the two # end points. Otherwise, interpolation objects can be initialized. if node.marginal_pos_LH.y.shape[0]<3 or pidx==0 or pidx==node.marginal_pos_LH.y.shape[0]-1: value_str = "values: " + ','.join([str(x) for x in node.marginal_pos_LH.y]) self.logger("get_max_posterior_region: peak on boundary or array too short." + value_str, 1, warn=True) mutation_contribution=None else: left = interp1d(node.marginal_pos_LH.y[:(pidx+1)]-pval, node.marginal_pos_LH.x[:(pidx+1)], kind='linear', fill_value=min_max[0], bounds_error=False) right = interp1d(node.marginal_pos_LH.y[pidx:]-pval, node.marginal_pos_LH.x[pidx:], kind='linear', fill_value=min_max[1], bounds_error=False) # function to minimize -- squared difference between prob mass and desired fracion def func(x, thres): interval = np.array([left(x), right(x)]).squeeze() return (thres - np.diff(node.marginal_cdf(np.array(interval))))**2 # minimze and determine success sol = minimize(func, bracket=[0,10], args=(fraction,), method='brent') if sol['success']: mutation_contribution = self.date2dist.to_numdate(np.array([right(sol['x']), left(sol['x'])]).squeeze()) else: # on failure, return standard confidence interval mutation_contribution = None return self.combine_confidence(node.numdate, (min_date, max_date), c1=rate_contribution, c2=mutation_contribution)
if __name__=="__main__": pass