Source code for treetime.gtr

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from . import config as ttconf, TreeTimeError, MissingDataError
from .seq_utils import alphabets, profile_maps, alphabet_synonyms

def avg_transition(W,pi, gap_index=None):
    if gap_index is None:
        return np.einsum('i,ij,j', pi, W, pi)
        return (np.einsum('i,ij,j', pi, W, pi) - np.sum(pi*W[:,gap_index])*pi[gap_index])/(1-pi[gap_index])

[docs]class GTR(object): """ Defines General-Time-Reversible model of character evolution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alphabet='nuc', prof_map=None, logger=None): """ Initialize empty evolutionary model. Parameters ---------- alphabet : str, numpy.array Alphabet of the sequence. If a string is passed, it is understood as an alphabet name. In this case, the alphabet and its profile map are pulled from :py:obj:`treetime.seq_utils`. If a numpy array of characters is passed, a new alphabet is constructed, and the default profile map is atached to it. prof_map : dict Dictionary linking characters in the sequence to the likelihood of observing characters in the alphabet. This is used to implement ambiguous characters like 'N'=[1,1,1,1] which are equally likely to be any of the 4 nucleotides. Standard profile_maps are defined in file logger : callable Custom logging function that should take arguments (msg, level, warn=False), where msg is a string and level an integer to be compared against verbose. """ self.debug=False self.is_site_specific=False if isinstance(alphabet, str): if alphabet not in alphabet_synonyms: raise AttributeError("Unknown alphabet type specified") else: tmp_alphabet = alphabet_synonyms[alphabet] self.alphabet = alphabets[tmp_alphabet] self.profile_map = profile_maps[tmp_alphabet] else: # not a predefined alphabet self.alphabet = np.array(alphabet) if prof_map is None: # generate trivial unambiguous profile map is none is given self.profile_map = {s:x for s,x in zip(self.alphabet, np.eye(len(self.alphabet)))} else: self.profile_map = {x if type(x) is str else x:k for x,k in prof_map.items()} self.state_index={s:si for si,s in enumerate(self.alphabet)} self.state_index.update({s:si for si,s in enumerate(self.alphabet)}) if logger is None: def logger_default(*args,**kwargs): """standard logging function if none provided""" if self.debug: print(*args) self.logger = logger_default else: self.logger = logger self.ambiguous = None self.gap_index = None self.n_states = len(self.alphabet) self.assign_gap_and_ambiguous() # init all matrices with dummy values self.logger("GTR: init with dummy values!", 3) self.v = None # right eigenvectors self.v_inv = None # left eigenvectors self.eigenvals = None # eigenvalues self.assign_rates()
def assign_gap_and_ambiguous(self): n_states = len(self.alphabet) self.logger("GTR: with alphabet: "+str([x for x in self.alphabet]),1) # determine if a character exists that corresponds to no info, i.e. all one profile if any([x.sum()==n_states for x in self.profile_map.values()]): amb_states = [c for c,x in self.profile_map.items() if x.sum()==n_states] self.ambiguous = 'N' if 'N' in amb_states else amb_states[0] self.logger("GTR: ambiguous character: "+self.ambiguous,2) else: self.ambiguous=None # check for a gap symbol try: self.gap_index = self.state_index['-'] except: self.logger("GTR: no gap symbol!", 4, warn=True) self.gap_index=None @property def mu(self): return self._mu @property def Pi(self): return self._Pi @property def W(self): return self._W @W.setter def W(self, value): self.assign_rates(, pi=self.Pi, W=value) @Pi.setter def Pi(self, value): self.assign_rates(, pi=value, W=self.W) @mu.setter def mu(self, value): self.assign_rates(mu=value, pi=self.Pi, W=self.W) @property def Q(self): """function that return the product of the transition matrix and the equilibrium frequencies to obtain the rate matrix of the GTR model """ Q_tmp = (self.W*self.Pi).T Q_diag = -np.sum(Q_tmp, axis=0) np.fill_diagonal(Q_tmp, Q_diag) return Q_tmp ###################################################################### ## constructor methods ###################################################################### def __str__(self): ''' String representation of the GTR model for pretty printing ''' multi_site = len(self.Pi.shape)==2 if multi_site: eq_freq_str = "Average substitution rate (mu): "+str(np.round(self.average_rate,6))+'\n' else: eq_freq_str = "Substitution rate (mu): "+str(np.round(,6))+'\n' if not multi_site: eq_freq_str += "\nEquilibrium frequencies (pi_i):\n" for a,p in zip(self.alphabet, self.Pi): eq_freq_str+=' '+a+': '+str(np.round(p,4))+'\n' W_str = "\nSymmetrized rates from j->i (W_ij):\n" W_str+='\t'+'\t'.join(self.alphabet)+'\n' for a,Wi in zip(self.alphabet, self.W): W_str+= ' '+a+'\t'+'\t'.join([str(np.round(max(0,p),4)) for p in Wi])+'\n' if not multi_site: Q_str = "\nActual rates from j->i (Q_ij):\n" Q_str+='\t'+'\t'.join(self.alphabet)+'\n' for a,Qi in zip(self.alphabet, self.Q): Q_str+= ' '+a+'\t'+'\t'.join([str(np.round(max(0,p),4)) for p in Qi])+'\n' return eq_freq_str + W_str + Q_str @staticmethod def from_file(gtr_fname): """ Parse a GTR string and assign the rates accordingly. Note that the input string is expected to be formatted exactly like the output of the `__str__` method. Parameters ---------- gtr_fname : file name String representation of the GTR model """ try: with open(gtr_fname) as f: alphabet = [] pi = [] while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line.strip().startswith("Substitution rate (mu):"): mu = float(line.split(":")[1].strip()) elif line.strip().startswith("Equilibrium frequencies (pi_i):"): line = f.readline() while line.strip()!="": alphabet.append(line.split(":")[0].strip()) pi.append(float(line.split(":")[1].strip())) line = f.readline() if not np.any([len(alphabet) == len(a) and np.all(np.array(alphabet) == a) for a in alphabets.values()]): raise ValueError("GTR: was unable to read custom GTR model in "+str(gtr_fname) +" - Alphabet not recognized") elif line.strip().startswith("Symmetrized rates from j->i (W_ij):"): line = f.readline() line = f.readline() n = len(pi) W = np.ones((n,n)) j = 0 while line.strip()!="": values = line.split() for i in range(n): W[j,i] = float(values[i+1]) j +=1 line = f.readline() if j != n: raise ValueError("GTR: was unable to read custom GTR model in "+str(gtr_fname) +" - Number of lines in W matrix does not match alphabet length") gtr = GTR.custom(mu, pi, W, alphabet = alphabet) return gtr except: raise MissingDataError('GTR: was unable to read custom GTR model in '+str(gtr_fname))
[docs] def assign_rates(self, mu=1.0, pi=None, W=None): """ Overwrite the GTR model given the provided data Parameters ---------- mu : float Substitution rate W : nxn matrix Substitution matrix pi : n vector Equilibrium frequencies """ n = len(self.alphabet) self._mu = mu self.is_site_specific=False if pi is not None and len(pi)==n: Pi = np.array(pi) else: if pi is not None and len(pi)!=n: self.logger("length of equilibrium frequency vector does not match alphabet length", 4, warn=True) self.logger("Ignoring input equilibrium frequencies", 4, warn=True) Pi = np.ones(shape=(n,)) self._Pi = Pi/np.sum(Pi) if W is None or W.shape!=(n,n): if (W is not None) and W.shape!=(n,n): self.logger("Substitution matrix size does not match alphabet size", 4, warn=True) self.logger("Ignoring input substitution matrix", 4, warn=True) # flow matrix W = np.ones((n,n)) np.fill_diagonal(W, 0.0) np.fill_diagonal(W, - W.sum(axis=0)) else: W=np.array(W) self._W = 0.5*(W+W.T) np.fill_diagonal(W,0) average_rate = avg_transition(W, self.Pi, gap_index=self.gap_index) self._W = W/average_rate self._mu *=average_rate self._eig()
[docs] @classmethod def custom(cls, mu=1.0, pi=None, W=None, **kwargs): """ Create a GTR model by specifying the matrix explicitly Parameters ---------- mu : float Substitution rate W : nxn matrix Substitution matrix pi : n vector Equilibrium frequencies **kwargs: Key word arguments to be passed Keyword Args ------------ alphabet : str Specify alphabet when applicable. If the alphabet specification is required, but no alphabet is specified, the nucleotide alphabet will be used as default. """ gtr = cls(**kwargs) gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W) return gtr
[docs] @staticmethod def standard(model, **kwargs): """ Create standard model of molecular evolution. Parameters ---------- model : str Model to create. See list of available models below **kwargs: Key word arguments to be passed to the model **Available models** - JC69: Jukes-Cantor 1969 model. This model assumes equal frequencies of the nucleotides and equal transition rates between nucleotide states. For more info, see: Jukes and Cantor (1969). Evolution of Protein Molecules. New York: Academic Press. pp. 21-132. To create this model, use: :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='jc69', mu=<my_mu>, alphabet=<my_alph>)` :code:`my_mu` - substitution rate (float) :code:`my_alph` - alphabet (str: :code:`'nuc'` or :code:`'nuc_nogap'`) - K80: Kimura 1980 model. Assumes equal concentrations across nucleotides, but allows different rates between transitions and transversions. The ratio of the transversion/transition rates is given by kappa parameter. For more info, see Kimura (1980), J. Mol. Evol. 16 (2): 111-120. doi:10.1007/BF01731581. Current implementation of the model does not account for the gaps. :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='k80', mu=<my_mu>, kappa=<my_kappa>)` :code:`mu` - overall substitution rate (float) :code:`kappa` - ratio of transversion/transition rates (float) - F81: Felsenstein 1981 model. Assumes non-equal concentrations across nucleotides, but the transition rate between all states is assumed to be equal. See Felsenstein (1981), J. Mol. Evol. 17 (6): 368-376. doi:10.1007/BF01734359 for details. :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='F81', mu=<mu>, pi=<pi>, alphabet=<alph>)` :code:`mu` - substitution rate (float) :code:`pi` - : nucleotide concentrations (numpy.array) :code:`alphabet' - alphabet to use. (:code:`'nuc'` or :code:`'nuc_nogap'`) - HKY85: Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano 1985 model. Allows different concentrations of the nucleotides (as in F81) + distinguishes between transition/transversion substitutions (similar to K80). Link: Hasegawa, Kishino, Yano (1985), J. Mol. Evol. 22 (2): 160-174. doi:10.1007/BF02101694 Current implementation of the model does not account for the gaps :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='HKY85', mu=<mu>, pi=<pi>, kappa=<kappa>)` :code:`mu` - substitution rate (float) :code:`pi` - : nucleotide concentrations (numpy.array) :code:`kappa` - ratio of transversion/transition rates (float) - T92: Tamura 1992 model. Extending Kimura (1980) model for the case where a G+C-content bias exists. Link: Tamura K (1992), Mol. Biol. Evol. 9 (4): 678-687. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040752 Current implementation of the model does not account for the gaps :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='T92', mu=<mu>, pi_GC=<pi_gc>, kappa=<kappa>)` :code:`mu` - substitution rate (float) :code:`pi_GC` - : relative GC content :code:`kappa` - ratio of transversion/transition rates (float) - TN93: Tamura and Nei 1993. The model distinguishes between the two different types of transition: (A <-> G) is allowed to have a different rate to (C<->T). Transversions have the same rate. The frequencies of the nucleotides are allowed to be different. Link: Tamura, Nei (1993), MolBiol Evol. 10 (3): 512-526. DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040023 :code:`mygtr = GTR.standard(model='TN93', mu=<mu>, kappa1=<k1>, kappa2=<k2>)` :code:`mu` - substitution rate (float) :code:`kappa1` - relative A<-->C, A<-->T, T<-->G and G<-->C rates (float) :code:`kappa` - relative C<-->T rate (float) .. Note:: Rate of A<-->G substitution is set to one. All other rates (kappa1, kappa2) are specified relative to this rate """ from .nuc_models import JC69, K80, F81, HKY85, T92, TN93 from .aa_models import JTT92 if model.lower() in ['jc', 'jc69', 'jukes-cantor', 'jukes-cantor69', 'jukescantor', 'jukescantor69']: model = JC69(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['k80', 'kimura80', 'kimura1980']: model = K80(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['f81', 'felsenstein81', 'felsenstein1981']: model = F81(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['hky', 'hky85', 'hky1985']: model = HKY85(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['t92', 'tamura92', 'tamura1992']: model = T92(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['tn93', 'tamura_nei_93', 'tamuranei93']: model = TN93(**kwargs) elif model.lower() in ['jtt', 'jtt92']: model = JTT92(**kwargs) else: raise KeyError("The GTR model '{}' is not in the list of available models." "".format(model)) = kwargs['mu'] if 'mu' in kwargs else 1.0 return model
[docs] @classmethod def random(cls, mu=1.0, alphabet='nuc', rng=None): """ Creates a random GTR model Parameters ---------- mu : float Substitution rate alphabet : str Alphabet name (should be standard: 'nuc', 'nuc_gap', 'aa', 'aa_gap') """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() alphabet=alphabets[alphabet] gtr = cls(alphabet) n = gtr.alphabet.shape[0] pi = 1.0*rng.randint(0,100,size=(n)) W = 1.0*rng.randint(0,100,size=(n,n)) # with gaps gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, pi=pi, W=W) return gtr
[docs] @classmethod def infer(cls, nij, Ti, root_state, fixed_pi=None, pc=1.0, gap_limit=0.01, **kwargs): r""" Infer a GTR model by specifying the number of transitions and time spent in each character. The basic equation that is being solved is :math:`n_{ij} = pi_i W_{ij} T_j` where :math:`n_{ij}` are the transitions, :math:`pi_i` are the equilibrium state frequencies, :math:`W_{ij}` is the "substitution attempt matrix", while :math:`T_i` is the time on the tree spent in character state :math:`i`. To regularize the process, we add pseudocounts and also need to account for the fact that the root of the tree is in a particular state. the modified equation is :math:`n_{ij} + pc = pi_i W_{ij} (T_j+pc+root\_state)` Parameters ---------- nij : nxn matrix The number of times a change in character state is observed between state j and i Ti :n vector The time spent in each character state root_state : n vector The number of characters in state i in the sequence of the root node. pc : float Pseudocounts, this determines the lower cutoff on the rate when no substitutions are observed **kwargs: Key word arguments to be passed Keyword Args ------------ alphabet : str Specify alphabet when applicable. If the alphabet specification is required, but no alphabet is specified, the nucleotide alphabet will be used as default. """ from scipy import linalg as LA gtr = cls(**kwargs) gtr.logger("GTR: model inference ",1) dp = 1e-5 Nit = 40 pc_mat = pc*np.ones_like(nij) np.fill_diagonal(pc_mat, 0.0) np.fill_diagonal(nij, 0.0) count = 0 pi_old = np.zeros_like(Ti) if fixed_pi is None: pi = np.ones_like(Ti) else: pi = np.copy(fixed_pi) pi/=pi.sum() W_ij = np.ones_like(nij) mu = (nij.sum()+pc)/(Ti.sum()+pc) # if pi is fixed, this will immediately converge while LA.norm(pi_old-pi) > dp and count < Nit: gtr.logger(' '.join(map(str, ['GTR inference iteration',count,'change:',LA.norm(pi_old-pi)])), 3) count += 1 pi_old = np.copy(pi) W_ij = (nij+nij.T+2*pc_mat)/mu/(np.outer(pi,Ti) + np.outer(Ti,pi) + ttconf.TINY_NUMBER + 2*pc_mat) np.fill_diagonal(W_ij, 0) scale_factor = avg_transition(W_ij,pi, gap_index=gtr.gap_index) W_ij = W_ij/scale_factor if fixed_pi is None: pi = (np.sum(nij+pc_mat,axis=1)+root_state)/(ttconf.TINY_NUMBER + mu*,Ti)+root_state.sum()+np.sum(pc_mat, axis=1)) pi /= pi.sum() mu = (nij.sum() + pc)/(np.sum(pi * ( else: mu = (nij.sum() + pc)/(np.sum(pi * (*Ti.sum() + pc) if count >= Nit: gtr.logger('WARNING: maximum number of iterations has been reached in GTR inference',3, warn=True) if LA.norm(pi_old-pi) > dp: gtr.logger('the iterative scheme has not converged',3,warn=True) elif np.abs(1-np.max(pi.sum(axis=0))) > dp: gtr.logger('the iterative scheme has converged, but proper normalization was not reached',3,warn=True) if gtr.gap_index is not None: if pi[gtr.gap_index]<gap_limit: gtr.logger('The model allows for gaps which are estimated to occur at a low fraction of %1.3e'%pi[gtr.gap_index]+ ' this can potentially result in artificats.'+ ' gap fraction will be set to %1.4f'%gap_limit,2,warn=True) pi[gtr.gap_index] = gap_limit pi /= pi.sum() gtr.assign_rates(mu=mu, W=W_ij, pi=pi) return gtr
######################################################################## ### prepare model ######################################################################## def _eig(self): """ Perform eigendecompositon of the rate matrix and stores the left- and right- matrices to convert the sequence profiles to the GTR matrix eigenspace and hence to speed-up the computations. """ self.eigenvals, self.v, self.v_inv = self._eig_single_site(self.W, self.Pi) def _eig_single_site(self, W, p): """ Perform eigendecompositon of the rate matrix and stores the left- and right- matrices to convert the sequence profiles to the GTR matrix eigenspace and hence to speed-up the computations. NOTE: this assumes the diagonal of W is all zeros """ # eigendecomposition of the rate matrix assert np.abs(np.diag(W).sum())<1e-10 tmpp = np.sqrt(p) symQ = W*np.outer(tmpp, tmpp) np.fill_diagonal(symQ, -np.sum(W*p, axis=1)) eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(symQ) tmp_v = eigvecs.T*tmpp one_norm = np.sum(np.abs(tmp_v), axis=1) return eigvals, tmp_v.T/one_norm, (eigvecs*one_norm).T/tmpp
[docs] def state_pair(self, seq_p, seq_ch, pattern_multiplicity=None, ignore_gaps=False): ''' Make a compressed representation of a pair of sequences, only counting the number of times a particular pair of states (e.g. (A,T)) is observed in the aligned sequences of parent and child. Parameters ---------- seq_p: numpy array Parent sequence as numpy array of chars seq_ch: numpy array Child sequence as numpy array of chars pattern_multiplicity : numpy array If sequences are reduced by combining identical alignment patterns, these multplicities need to be accounted for when counting the number of mutations across a branch. If None, all pattern are assumed to occur exactly once. ignore_gap: bool Whether or not to include gapped positions of the alignment in the multiplicity count Returns ------- seq_pair : list :code:`[(0,1), (2,2), (3,4)]` list of parent_child state pairs as indices in the alphabet multiplicity : numpy array Number of times a particular pair is observed ''' if pattern_multiplicity is None: pattern_multiplicity = np.ones_like(seq_p, dtype=float) from collections import Counter if seq_ch.shape != seq_p.shape: raise ValueError("GTR.state_pair: Sequence lengths do not match!") if len(self.alphabet)<10: # for small alphabet, repeatedly check array for all state pairs pair_count = [] bool_seqs_p = [] bool_seqs_ch = [] for seq, bs in [(seq_p,bool_seqs_p), (seq_ch, bool_seqs_ch)]: for ni,nuc in enumerate(self.alphabet): bs.append(seq==nuc) for n1,nuc1 in enumerate(self.alphabet): if (self.gap_index is None) or (not ignore_gaps) or (n1!=self.gap_index): for n2,nuc2 in enumerate(self.alphabet): if (self.gap_index is None) or (not ignore_gaps) or (n2!=self.gap_index): count = ((bool_seqs_p[n1]&bool_seqs_ch[n2])*pattern_multiplicity).sum() if count: pair_count.append(((n1,n2), count)) else: # enumerate state pairs of the sequence for large alphabets num_seqs = [] for seq in [seq_p, seq_ch]: # for each sequence (parent and child) construct a numerical sequence [0,5,3,1,2,3...] tmp = np.ones_like(seq, dtype=int) for ni,nuc in enumerate(self.alphabet): tmp[seq==nuc] = ni # set each position corresponding to a state to the corresponding index num_seqs.append(tmp) pair_count = defaultdict(int) if ignore_gaps: # if gaps are ignored skip positions where one or the other sequence is gapped for i in range(len(seq_p)): if self.gap_index!=num_seqs[0][i] and self.gap_index!=num_seqs[1][i]: pair_count[(num_seqs[0][i],num_seqs[1][i])]+=pattern_multiplicity[i] else: # otherwise, just count for i in range(len(seq_p)): pair_count[(num_seqs[0][i],num_seqs[1][i])]+=pattern_multiplicity[i] pair_count = pair_count.items() return (np.array([x[0] for x in pair_count], dtype=int), # [(child_nuc, parent_nuc),()...] np.array([x[1] for x in pair_count], dtype=int)) # multiplicity of each parent/child nuc pair
######################################################################## ### evolution functions ########################################################################
[docs] def prob_t_compressed(self, seq_pair, multiplicity, t, return_log=False): ''' Calculate the probability of observing a sequence pair at a distance t, for compressed sequences Parameters ---------- seq_pair : numpy array :code:`np.array([(0,1), (2,2), ()..])` as indicies of pairs of aligned positions. (e.g. 'A'==0, 'C'==1 etc). This only lists all occuring parent-child state pairs, order is irrelevant multiplicity : numpy array The number of times a parent-child state pair is observed. This allows compression of the sequence representation t : float Length of the branch separating parent and child return_log : bool Whether or not to exponentiate the result ''' if t<0: logP = -ttconf.BIG_NUMBER else: tmp_eQT = self.expQt(t) logQt = np.log(np.maximum(tmp_eQT, ttconf.SUPERTINY_NUMBER)) # logQt[~np.isfinite(logQt)] = -ttconf.BIG_NUMBER logP = np.sum(logQt[seq_pair[:,1], seq_pair[:,0]]*multiplicity) return logP if return_log else np.exp(logP)
[docs] def prob_t(self, seq_p, seq_ch, t, pattern_multiplicity = None, return_log=False, ignore_gaps=True): """ Compute the probability to observe seq_ch (child sequence) after time t starting from seq_p (parent sequence). Parameters ---------- seq_p : character array Parent sequence seq_c : character array Child sequence t : double Time (branch len) separating the profiles. pattern_multiplicity : numpy array If sequences are reduced by combining identical alignment patterns, these multplicities need to be accounted for when counting the number of mutations across a branch. If None, all pattern are assumed to occur exactly once. return_log : bool It True, return log-probability. Returns ------- prob : np.array Resulting probability """ seq_pair, multiplicity = self.state_pair(seq_p, seq_ch, pattern_multiplicity=pattern_multiplicity, ignore_gaps=ignore_gaps) return self.prob_t_compressed(seq_pair, multiplicity, t, return_log=return_log)
[docs] def optimal_t(self, seq_p, seq_ch, pattern_multiplicity=None, ignore_gaps=False): ''' Find the optimal distance between the two sequences Parameters ---------- seq_p : character array Parent sequence seq_c : character array Child sequence pattern_multiplicity : numpy array If sequences are reduced by combining identical alignment patterns, these multplicities need to be accounted for when counting the number of mutations across a branch. If None, all pattern are assumed to occur exactly once. ignore_gaps : bool If True, ignore gaps in distance calculations ''' seq_pair, multiplicity = self.state_pair(seq_p, seq_ch, pattern_multiplicity = pattern_multiplicity, ignore_gaps=ignore_gaps) return self.optimal_t_compressed(seq_pair, multiplicity)
[docs] def optimal_t_compressed(self, seq_pair, multiplicity, profiles=False, tol=1e-10): """ Find the optimal distance between the two sequences represented as state_pairs or as pair of profiles Parameters ---------- seq_pair : state_pair, tuple Compressed representation of sequences along a branch, either as tuple of state pairs or as tuple of profiles. multiplicity : array Number of times each state pair in seq_pair appears (if profile==False) Number of times an alignment pattern is observed (if profiles==True) profiles : bool, default False The standard branch length optimization assumes fixed sequences at either end of the branch. With profiles==True, optimization is performed while summing over all possible states of the nodes at either end of the branch. Note that the meaning/format of seq_pair and multiplicity depend on the value of :profiles:. """ def _neg_prob(t, seq_pair, multiplicity): """ Probability to observe a child given the the parent state, transition matrix, and the time of evolution (branch length). Parameters ---------- t : double Branch length (time between sequences) seq_pair : tuple of profiles parent and child sequences multiplicity : vector containing the number of times each alignment pattern is observed Returns ------- prob : double Negative probability of the two given sequences to be separated by the time t. """ if profiles: res = -1.0*self.prob_t_profiles(seq_pair, multiplicity,t**2, return_log=True) return res + np.exp(t**4/10000) else: return -1.0*self.prob_t_compressed(seq_pair, multiplicity,t**2, return_log=True) hamming_distance = np.sum(multiplicity[seq_pair[:,1]!=seq_pair[:,0]])/np.sum(multiplicity) try: from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar opt = minimize_scalar(_neg_prob, bracket=[-np.sqrt(ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH), np.sqrt(hamming_distance), np.sqrt(ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH)], args=(seq_pair, multiplicity), tol=tol, method='brent') new_len = opt["x"]**2 if 'success' not in opt: opt['success'] = True self.logger("WARNING: the optimization result does not contain a 'success' flag:"+str(opt),4, warn=True) except ImportError: import scipy print('legacy scipy', scipy.__version__) from scipy.optimize import fminbound new_len = fminbound(_neg_prob, -np.sqrt(ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH),np.sqrt(ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH), args=(seq_pair, multiplicity)) new_len = new_len**2 opt={'success':True} if new_len > .9 * ttconf.MAX_BRANCH_LENGTH: self.logger("WARNING: GTR.optimal_t_compressed -- The branch length seems to be very long!", 4, warn=True) if opt["success"] != True: # return hamming distance: number of state pairs where state differs/all pairs new_len = hamming_distance return new_len
[docs] def prob_t_profiles(self, profile_pair, multiplicity, t, return_log=False, ignore_gaps=True): ''' Calculate the probability of observing a node pair at a distance t Parameters ---------- profile_pair: numpy arrays Probability distributions of the nucleotides at either end of the branch. pp[0] = parent, pp[1] = child multiplicity : numpy array The number of times an alignment pattern is observed t : float Length of the branch separating parent and child ignore_gaps: bool If True, ignore mutations to and from gaps in distance calculations return_log : bool Whether or not to exponentiate the result ''' if t<0: logP = -ttconf.BIG_NUMBER else: Qt = self.expQt(t) if len(Qt.shape)==3: # site specific GTR model res = np.einsum('ai,ija,aj->a', profile_pair[1], Qt, profile_pair[0]) else: res = np.einsum('ai,ij,aj->a', profile_pair[1], Qt, profile_pair[0]) if ignore_gaps and (self.gap_index is not None): # calculate the probability that neither outgroup/node has a gap non_gap_frac = (1-profile_pair[0][:,self.gap_index])*(1-profile_pair[1][:,self.gap_index]) # weigh log LH by the non-gap probability logP = np.sum(multiplicity*np.log(res+ttconf.SUPERTINY_NUMBER)*non_gap_frac) else: logP = np.sum(multiplicity*np.log(res+ttconf.SUPERTINY_NUMBER)) return logP if return_log else np.exp(logP)
[docs] def propagate_profile(self, profile, t, return_log=False): """ Compute the probability of the sequence state of the parent at time (t+t0, backwards), given the sequence state of the child (profile) at time t0. Parameters ---------- profile : numpy.array Sequence profile. Shape = (L, a), where L - sequence length, a - alphabet size. t : double Time to propagate return_log: bool If True, return log-probability Returns ------- res : np.array Profile of the sequence after time t in the past. Shape = (L, a), where L - sequence length, a - alphabet size. """ Qt = self.expQt(t) res = return np.log(res) if return_log else res
def evolve(self, profile, t, return_log=False): """ Compute the probability of the sequence state of the child at time t later, given the parent profile. Parameters ---------- profile : numpy.array Sequence profile. Shape = (L, a), where L - sequence length, a - alphabet size. t : double Time to propagate return_log: bool If True, return log-probability Returns ------- res : np.array Profile of the sequence after time t in the future. Shape = (L, a), where L - sequence length, a - alphabet size. """ Qt = self.expQt(t).T res = return np.log(res) if return_log else res def _exp_lt(self, t): """ Parameters ---------- t : float time to propagate Returns -------- exp_lt : numpy.array Array of values exp(lambda(i) * t), where (i) - alphabet index (the eigenvalue number). """ log_val = * t * self.eigenvals if any(i > 10 for i in log_val): raise ValueError("Error in computing exp(Q * t): Q has positive eigenvalues or the branch length t is too large. " "This is most likely caused by incorrect input data.") return np.exp(log_val)
[docs] def expQt(self, t): ''' Parameters ---------- t : float Time to propagate Returns -------- expQt : numpy.array Matrix exponential of exo(Qt) ''' eLambdaT = np.diag(self._exp_lt(t)) # vector length = a Qs = # This is P(nuc1 | given nuc_2) return np.maximum(0,Qs)
def expQs(self, s): return self.expQt(s**2) def expQsds(self, s): r''' Returns ------- Qtds : Returns 2 V_{ij} \lambda_j s e^{\lambda_j s**2 } V^{-1}_{jk} This is the derivative of the branch probability with respect to s=\sqrt(t) ''' lambda_eLambdaT = np.diag(2.0*self._exp_lt(s**2)*self.eigenvals*s) return
[docs] def sequence_logLH(self,seq, pattern_multiplicity=None): """ Returns the log-likelihood of sampling a sequence from equilibrium frequency. Expects a sequence as numpy array Parameters ---------- seq : numpy array Compressed sequence as an array of chars pattern_multiplicity : numpy_array The number of times each position in sequence is observed in the initial alignment. If None, sequence is assumed to be not compressed """ if pattern_multiplicity is None: pattern_multiplicity = np.ones_like(seq, dtype=float) return np.sum([np.sum((seq==state)*pattern_multiplicity*np.log(self.Pi[si])) for si,state in enumerate(self.alphabet)])
def average_rate(self): return*avg_transition(self.W, self.Pi, gap_index=self.gap_index) def save_to_npz(self, outfile): full_gtr = *, self.W) desc=np.array(["GTR matrix description\n", "Substitution rate: " + str(]) np.savez(outfile, description=desc, full_gtr=full_gtr, char_dist=self.Pi, flow_matrix=self.W)
if __name__ == "__main__": pass