Source code for treetime.treetime

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize as sciopt
from Bio import Phylo
from . import config as ttconf
from . import MissingDataError,UnknownMethodError,NotReadyError,TreeTimeError, TreeTimeUnknownError
from .utils import tree_layout
from .clock_tree import ClockTree

rerooting_mechanisms = ["min_dev", "best", "least-squares"]
deprecated_rerooting_mechanisms = {"residual":"least-squares", "res":"least-squares",
                                   "min_dev_ML": "min_dev", "ML":"least-squares"}

def reduce_time_marginal_argument(input_time_marginal):
    This function maps deprecated arguments/terms for the timetree inference mode
    to recommended terms.
    if input_time_marginal in [False, 'false', 'never']:
        return 'never'
    elif input_time_marginal in [True, 'always', 'true']:
        return 'always'
    elif input_time_marginal in ['only-final', 'assign']:
        return 'only-final'
    elif input_time_marginal == 'confidence-only':
        return input_time_marginal
        raise UnknownMethodError(f"'{input_time_marginal}' is not a known time marginal argument")

[docs]class TreeTime(ClockTree): """ TreeTime is a wrapper class to ClockTree that adds additional functionality such as reroot, detection and exclusion of outliers, resolution of polytomies using temporal information, and relaxed molecular clock models """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs): """ TreeTime constructor Parameters ----------- *args Arguments to construct ClockTree **kwargs Keyword arguments to construct the GTR model """ super(TreeTime, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, raise_uncaught_exceptions=False, **kwargs): import sys try: return self._run(**kwargs) except TreeTimeError as err: if raise_uncaught_exceptions: raise err else: print(f"ERROR: {err} \n", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) except BaseException as err: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) print(f"ERROR: {err} \n ", file=sys.stderr) print("ERROR in An error occurred which was not properly handled in TreeTime. If this error persists, please let us know " "by filing a new issue including the original command and the error above at: \n", file=sys.stderr) if raise_uncaught_exceptions: raise TreeTimeUnknownError() from err else: sys.exit(2)
def _run(self, root=None, infer_gtr=True, relaxed_clock=None, clock_filter_method='residuals', n_iqd = None, resolve_polytomies=True, max_iter=0, Tc=None, fixed_clock_rate=None, time_marginal='never', sequence_marginal=False, branch_length_mode='auto', vary_rate=False, use_covariation=False, tracelog_file=None, method_anc = 'probabilistic', assign_gamma=None, stochastic_resolve=False, **kwargs): """ Run TreeTime reconstruction. Based on the input parameters, it divides the analysis into semi-independent jobs and conquers them one-by-one, gradually optimizing the tree given the temporal constraints and leaf node sequences. Parameters ---------- root : str Try to find better root position on a given tree. If string is passed, the root will be searched according to the specified method. If none, use tree as-is. See :py:meth:`treetime.TreeTime.reroot` for available rooting methods. infer_gtr : bool If True, infer GTR model relaxed_clock : dict If not None, use autocorrelated molecular clock model. Specify the clock parameters as :code:`{slack:<slack>, coupling:<coupling>}` dictionary. n_iqd : float If not None, filter tree nodes which do not obey the molecular clock for the particular tree. The nodes, which deviate more than :code:`n_iqd` interquantile intervals from the molecular clock regression will be marked as 'BAD' and not used in the TreeTime analysis resolve_polytomies : bool If True, attempt to resolve multiple mergers stochastic_resolve : bool (default False) Resolve multiple mergers via a random coalescent tree (True) or via greedy optimization max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations to optimize the tree Tc : float, str If not None, use coalescent model to correct the branch lengths by introducing merger costs. If Tc is float, it is interpreted as the coalescence time scale If Tc is str, it should be one of (:code:`opt`, :code:`const`, :code:`skyline`) fixed_clock_rate : float Fixed clock rate to be used. If None, infer clock rate from the molecular clock. time_marginal : bool, str If False perform joint reconstruction of the divergence times, if True use marginal reconstruction of the divergence times, if 'only_final' (or 'assign') apply the marginal reconstruction only to the last optimization round, if "confidence-only" perform additional round using marginal reconstruction for calculation of confidence intervals but do not update times. sequence_marginal : bool, optional use marginal reconstruction for ancestral sequences branch_length_mode : str Should be one of: :code:`joint`, :code:`marginal`, :code:`input`. If 'input', rely on the branch lengths in the input tree and skip directly to the maximum-likelihood ancestral sequence reconstruction. Otherwise, perform preliminary sequence reconstruction using parsimony algorithm and do branch length optimization vary_rate : bool or float, optional redo the time tree estimation for rates +/- one standard deviation. if a float is passed, it is interpreted as standard deviation, otherwise this standard deviation is estimated from the root-to-tip regression use_covariation : bool, optional default False, if False, rate estimates will be performed using simple regression ignoring phylogenetic covariation between nodes. If vary_rate is True, use_covariation is true by default method_anc: str, optional Which method should be used to reconstruct ancestral sequences. Supported values are "parsimony", "fitch", "probabilistic" and "ml". Default is "probabilistic" assign_gamma: callable, optional function to specify gamma (branch length scaling, local clock rate modifier) for each branch in tree, not compatible with a relaxed clock model **kwargs Keyword arguments needed by the downstream functions Returns ------- TreeTime error/success code : str return value depending on success or error """ # register the specified covaration mode self.use_covariation = use_covariation or (vary_rate and (not type(vary_rate)==float)) if (self.tree is None) or (self.aln is None and is None): raise MissingDataError(" ERROR, alignment or tree are missing") if self.aln is None: branch_length_mode='input' self._set_branch_length_mode(branch_length_mode) # determine how to reconstruct and sample sequences seq_kwargs = {"marginal_sequences":sequence_marginal or (self.branch_length_mode=='marginal'), "branch_length_mode": self.branch_length_mode, "sample_from_profile": "root", "prune_short":kwargs.get("prune_short", True), "reconstruct_tip_states":kwargs.get("reconstruct_tip_states", False)} time_marginal_method = reduce_time_marginal_argument(time_marginal) ## for backward compatibility tt_kwargs = {'clock_rate':fixed_clock_rate, 'time_marginal':False if time_marginal_method in ['never', 'only-final', 'confidence-only'] else True} tt_kwargs.update(kwargs) seq_LH = 0 if "fixed_pi" in kwargs: seq_kwargs["fixed_pi"] = kwargs["fixed_pi"] if "do_marginal" in kwargs: time_marginal=kwargs["do_marginal"] if assign_gamma and relaxed_clock: raise UnknownMethodError("assign_gamma and relaxed clock are incompatible arguments") # initially, infer ancestral sequences and infer gtr model if desired if self.branch_length_mode=='input': if self.aln: self.infer_ancestral_sequences(infer_gtr=infer_gtr, marginal=seq_kwargs["marginal_sequences"], **seq_kwargs) if seq_kwargs["prune_short"]: self.prune_short_branches() else: self.optimize_tree(infer_gtr=infer_gtr, max_iter=1, method_anc = method_anc, **seq_kwargs) # optionally reroot the tree either by oldest, best regression or with a specific leaf if n_iqd or root=='clock_filter': if "plot_rtt" in kwargs and kwargs["plot_rtt"]: plot_rtt=True else: plot_rtt=False reroot_mechanism = 'least-squares' if root=='clock_filter' else root self.clock_filter(reroot=reroot_mechanism, method=clock_filter_method, n_iqd=n_iqd, plot=plot_rtt, fixed_clock_rate=fixed_clock_rate) elif root is not None: self.reroot(root=root, clock_rate=fixed_clock_rate) if self.branch_length_mode=='input': if self.aln: self.infer_ancestral_sequences(**seq_kwargs) else: self.optimize_tree(max_iter=1, method_anc = method_anc, **seq_kwargs) # infer time tree and optionally resolve polytomies self.logger(" INITIAL ROUND",0) self.make_time_tree(**tt_kwargs) if self.aln: seq_LH = self.tree.sequence_marginal_LH if seq_kwargs['marginal_sequences'] else self.tree.sequence_joint_LH self.LH =[[seq_LH, self.tree.positional_LH, 0]] # if we reroot, repeat rerooting after initial clock-filter/time tree # re-optimize branch length, and update time tree if root is not None and max_iter: self.reroot(root='least-squares' if root=='clock_filter' else root, clock_rate=fixed_clock_rate) self.logger(" rerunning timetree after rerooting",0) if self.branch_length_mode!='input': self.optimize_tree(max_iter=0, method_anc = method_anc,**seq_kwargs) self.make_time_tree(**tt_kwargs) # iteratively reconstruct ancestral sequences and re-infer # time tree to ensure convergence. niter = 0 ndiff = 0 # Initialize the tracelog dict attribute self.trace_run = [] self.trace_run.append(self.tracelog_run(niter=0, ndiff=0, n_resolved=0, time_marginal = tt_kwargs['time_marginal'], sequence_marginal = seq_kwargs['marginal_sequences'], Tc=None, tracelog=tracelog_file)) need_new_time_tree=False while niter < max_iter: self.logger(" ITERATION %d out of %d iterations"%(niter+1,max_iter),0) # add coalescent prior tmpTc=None if Tc: if Tc=='skyline' and niter<max_iter-1: tmpTc='const' else: tmpTc=Tc self.add_coalescent_model(tmpTc, **kwargs) need_new_time_tree = True # estimate a relaxed molecular clock if relaxed_clock: self.relaxed_clock(**relaxed_clock) need_new_time_tree = True n_resolved=0 if resolve_polytomies: # if polytomies are found, rerun the entire procedure n_resolved = self.resolve_polytomies(stochastic_resolve=stochastic_resolve) if n_resolved: seq_kwargs['prune_short']=False self.prepare_tree() if self.branch_length_mode!='input': # otherwise reoptimize branch length while preserving branches without mutations self.optimize_tree(max_iter=0, method_anc = method_anc,**seq_kwargs) need_new_time_tree = True if assign_gamma and callable(assign_gamma): self.logger("### assigning gamma",1) assign_gamma(self.tree) need_new_time_tree = True if need_new_time_tree: self.make_time_tree(**tt_kwargs) if self.aln: ndiff = self.infer_ancestral_sequences('ml',**seq_kwargs) else: # no refinements, just iterate if self.aln: ndiff = self.infer_ancestral_sequences('ml',**seq_kwargs) self.make_time_tree(**tt_kwargs) self.tree.coalescent_joint_LH = self.merger_model.total_LH() if Tc else 0.0 if self.aln: seq_LH = self.tree.sequence_marginal_LH if seq_kwargs['marginal_sequences'] else self.tree.sequence_joint_LH self.LH.append([seq_LH, self.tree.positional_LH, self.tree.coalescent_joint_LH]) # Update the trace log self.trace_run.append(self.tracelog_run(niter=niter+1, ndiff=ndiff, n_resolved=n_resolved, time_marginal = tt_kwargs['time_marginal'], sequence_marginal = seq_kwargs['marginal_sequences'], Tc=tmpTc, tracelog=tracelog_file)) niter+=1 if ndiff==0 and n_resolved==0 and Tc!='skyline': self.logger(" CONVERGED",0) break # if the rate is too be varied and the rate estimate has a valid confidence interval # rerun the estimation for variations of the rate if vary_rate: if type(vary_rate)==float: self.calc_rate_susceptibility(rate_std=vary_rate, params=tt_kwargs) elif self.clock_model['valid_confidence']: self.calc_rate_susceptibility(params=tt_kwargs) else: raise UnknownMethodError(" rate variation for confidence estimation is not available. Either specify it explicitly, or estimate from root-to-tip regression.") # if marginal reconstruction requested, make one more round with marginal=True # this will set marginal_pos_LH, which to be used as error bar estimations if time_marginal_method in ['only-final', 'confidence-only']: self.logger(" FINAL ROUND - confidence estimation via marginal reconstruction", 0) tt_kwargs['time_marginal'] = True self.make_time_tree(**tt_kwargs) self.trace_run.append(self.tracelog_run(niter=niter+1, ndiff=0, n_resolved=0, time_marginal=tt_kwargs['time_marginal'], sequence_marginal=seq_kwargs['marginal_sequences'], Tc=Tc, tracelog=tracelog_file)) # explicitly print out which branches are bad and whose dates don't correspond to the input dates bad_branches =[n for n in self.tree.get_terminals() if n.bad_branch and n.raw_date_constraint] if bad_branches: self.logger("TreeTime: the following tips have been marked as outliers. Their date constraints were not used. " "Please remove them from the tree. Their dates have been reset:",0,warn=True) for n in bad_branches: self.logger("%s, input date: %s, apparent date: %1.2f"%(, str(n.raw_date_constraint), n.numdate),0,warn=True) return ttconf.SUCCESS def _set_branch_length_mode(self, branch_length_mode): ''' if branch_length mode is not explicitly set, set according to empirical branch length distribution in input tree Parameters ---------- branch_length_mode : str, 'input', 'joint', 'marginal' if the maximal branch length in the tree is longer than 0.05, this will default to 'input'. Otherwise set to 'joint' ''' if branch_length_mode in ['joint', 'marginal', 'input']: self.branch_length_mode = branch_length_mode elif self.aln: bl_dis = [n.branch_length for n in self.tree.find_clades() if n.up] max_bl = np.max(bl_dis) if max_bl>0.1: bl_mode = 'input' else: bl_mode = 'joint' self.logger("TreeTime._set_branch_length_mode: maximum branch length is %1.3e, using branch length mode %s"%(max_bl, bl_mode),1) self.branch_length_mode = bl_mode else: self.branch_length_mode = 'input'
[docs] def clock_filter(self, reroot='least-squares', method='residual', n_iqd=None, plot=False, fixed_clock_rate=None): r''' Labels outlier branches that don't seem to follow a molecular clock and excludes them from subsequent molecular clock estimation and the timetree propagation. Parameters ---------- reroot : str Method to find the best root in the tree (see :py:meth:`treetime.TreeTime.reroot` for options) n_iqd : float Number of iqd intervals. The outlier nodes are those which do not fall into :math:`IQD\cdot n_iqd` interval (:math:`IQD` is the interval between 75\ :sup:`th` and 25\ :sup:`th` percentiles) If None, the default (3) assumed plot : bool If True, plot the results ''' from .clock_filter_methods import residual_filter, local_filter if n_iqd is None: n_iqd = ttconf.NIQD if type(reroot) is list and len(reroot)==1: reroot=str(reroot[0]) if reroot: self.reroot(root='least-squares' if reroot=='best' else reroot, covariation=False, clock_rate=fixed_clock_rate) else: self.get_clock_model(covariation=False, slope=fixed_clock_rate) if method=='residual': bad_branch_count = residual_filter(self, n_iqd) elif method=='local': bad_branch_count = local_filter(self, n_iqd) if bad_branch_count>0.34*self.tree.count_terminals(): self.logger("TreeTime.clock_filter: More than a third of leaves have been excluded by the clock filter. Please check your input data.", 0, warn=True) # reassign bad_branch flags to internal nodes self.prepare_tree() # redo root estimation after outlier removal if reroot: self.reroot(root=reroot, clock_rate=fixed_clock_rate) if plot: self.plot_root_to_tip() return ttconf.SUCCESS
[docs] def plot_root_to_tip(self, add_internal=False, label=True, ax=None): """ Plot root-to-tip regression Parameters ---------- add_internal : bool If true, plot inte`rnal node positions label : bool If true, label the plots ax : matplotlib axes If not None, use the provided matplotlib axes to plot the results """ Treg = self.setup_TreeRegression() if self.clock_model and 'cov' in self.clock_model: cf = self.clock_model['valid_confidence'] else: cf = False Treg.clock_plot(ax=ax, add_internal=add_internal, confidence=cf, n_sigma=1, regression=self.clock_model)
[docs] def reroot(self, root='least-squares', force_positive=True, covariation=None, clock_rate=None): """ Find best root and re-root the tree to the new root Parameters ---------- root : str Which method should be used to find the best root. Available methods are: :code:`best`, `least-squares` - minimize squared residual or likelihood of root-to-tip regression :code:`min_dev` - minimize variation of root-to-tip distance :code:`oldest` - reroot on the oldest node :code:`<node_name>` - reroot to the node with name :code:`<node_name>` :code:`[<node_name1>, <node_name2>, ...]` - reroot to the MRCA of these nodes force_positive : bool only consider positive rates when searching for the optimal root covariation : bool account for covariation in root-to-tip regression """ if type(root) is list and len(root)==1: root=str(root[0]) if root=='best': root='least-squares' use_cov = self.use_covariation if covariation is None else covariation slope = 0.0 if type(root)==str and root.startswith('min_dev') else clock_rate old_root = self.tree.root self.logger("TreeTime.reroot: with method or node: %s"%root,0) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.branch_length=n.mutation_length if (type(root) is str) and \ (root in rerooting_mechanisms or root in deprecated_rerooting_mechanisms): if root in deprecated_rerooting_mechanisms: if "ML" in root: use_cov=True self.logger('TreeTime.reroot: rerooting mechanisms %s has been renamed to %s' %(root, deprecated_rerooting_mechanisms[root]), 1, warn=True) root = deprecated_rerooting_mechanisms[root] self.logger("TreeTime.reroot: rerooting will %s covariance and shared ancestry."%("account for" if use_cov else "ignore"),0) new_root = self._find_best_root(covariation=use_cov, slope = slope, force_positive=force_positive and (not root.startswith('min_dev'))) else: if isinstance(root,Phylo.BaseTree.Clade): new_root = root elif isinstance(root, list): new_root = self.tree.common_ancestor(root) elif root in self._leaves_lookup: new_root = self._leaves_lookup[root] elif root=='oldest': new_root = sorted([n for n in self.tree.get_terminals() if n.raw_date_constraint is not None], key=lambda x:np.mean(x.raw_date_constraint))[0] else: raise UnknownMethodError('TreeTime.reroot -- ERROR: unsupported rooting mechanisms or root not found') #this forces a bifurcating root, as we want. Branch lengths will be reoptimized anyway. #(Without outgroup_branch_length, gives a trifurcating root, but this will mean #mutations may have to occur multiple times.) self.tree.root_with_outgroup(new_root, outgroup_branch_length=new_root.branch_length/2) self.tree.root.clades.sort(key = lambda x:x.count_terminals()) self.get_clock_model(covariation=use_cov, slope = slope) self.logger("TreeTime.reroot: Tree was re-rooted to node " +('new_node' if is None else, 2) self.tree.root.branch_length = self.one_mutation self.tree.root.clock_length = self.one_mutation self.tree.root.raw_date_constraint = None if hasattr(new_root, 'time_before_present'): self.tree.root.time_before_present = new_root.time_before_present if hasattr(new_root, 'numdate'): self.tree.root.numdate = new_root.numdate # set root.gamma bc root doesn't have a branch_length_interpolator but gamma is needed if not hasattr(self.tree.root, 'gamma'): self.tree.root.gamma = 1.0 for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.mutation_length = n.branch_length if not hasattr(n, 'clock_length'): n.clock_length = n.branch_length self.prepare_tree() self.get_clock_model(covariation=self.use_covariation, slope=slope) return new_root
[docs] def resolve_polytomies(self, merge_compressed=False, resolution_threshold=0.05, stochastic_resolve=False): """ Resolve the polytomies on the tree. The function scans the tree, resolves polytomies if present, and re-optimizes the tree with new topology. Note that polytomies are only resolved if that would result in higher likelihood. Sometimes, stretching two or more branches that carry several mutations is less costly than an additional branch with zero mutations (long branches are not stiff, short branches are). Parameters ---------- merge_compressed : bool If True, keep compressed branches as polytomies. Applies to greedy resolve resolution_threshold : float minimal delta LH to consider for polytomy resolution. Otherwise, keep parent as polytomy stochastic_resolve : bool generate a stochastic binary coalescent tree with mutation from the children of a polytomy. Doesn't necessarily resolve the node fully. This step is stochastic and different runs will result in different outcomes. Returns -------- poly_found : int The number of polytomies found """ self.logger("TreeTime.resolve_polytomies: resolving multiple mergers...",1) poly_found=0 if stochastic_resolve is False: self.logger("DEPRECATION WARNING. TreeTime.resolve_polytomies: You are " "resolving polytomies using the old 'greedy' mode. This is not " "well suited for large polytomies. Stochastic resolution will " "become the default in future versions. To switch now, rerun " "with the flag `--stochastic-resolve`. To keep using the greedy method " "in the future, run with `--greedy-resolve` ", 0, warn=True, only_once=True) for n in self.tree.find_clades(): if len(n.clades) > 2: prior_n_clades = len(n.clades) if stochastic_resolve: self.generate_subtree(n) else: self._poly(n, merge_compressed, resolution_threshold=resolution_threshold) poly_found+=prior_n_clades - len(n.clades) obsolete_nodes = [n for n in self.tree.find_clades() if len(n.clades)==1 and n.up is not None] for node in obsolete_nodes: self.logger('TreeTime.resolve_polytomies: remove obsolete node ',4) if node.up is not None: self.tree.collapse(node) if poly_found: self.logger('TreeTime.resolve_polytomies: introduces %d new nodes'%poly_found,3) else: self.logger('TreeTime.resolve_polytomies: No more polytomies to resolve',3) return poly_found
def _poly(self, clade, merge_compressed, resolution_threshold): """ Function to resolve polytomies for a given parent node. If the number of the direct descendants is less than three (not a polytomy), does nothing. Otherwise, for each pair of nodes, assess the possible LH increase which could be gained by merging the two nodes. The increase in the LH is basically the tradeoff between the gain of the LH due to the changing the branch lengths towards the optimal values and the decrease due to the introduction of the new branch with zero optimal length. """ from .branch_len_interpolator import BranchLenInterpolator zero_branch_slope =* def _c_gain(t, n1, n2, parent): """ cost gain if nodes n1, n2 are joined and their parent is placed at time t cost gain = (LH loss now) - (LH loss when placed at time t) NOTE: this cost function ignores the coalescent likelihood. Given the greedy and approximate nature of this calculation, this seems justified. But this entire procedure is not well suited for large polytomies. """ # old - new contributions of child branches cg1 = n1.branch_length_interpolator._func(parent.time_before_present - n1.time_before_present) - n1.branch_length_interpolator._func(t - n1.time_before_present) cg2 = n2.branch_length_interpolator._func(parent.time_before_present - n2.time_before_present) - n2.branch_length_interpolator._func(t - n2.time_before_present) # old - new contribution of additional branch (no old contribution) cg_new = - zero_branch_slope * (parent.time_before_present - t) # loss in LH due to the new branch return -(cg2 + cg1 + cg_new) def cost_gain(n1, n2, parent): """ cost gained if the two nodes would have been connected. """ try: cg = sciopt.minimize_scalar(_c_gain, bounds=[max(n1.time_before_present,n2.time_before_present), parent.time_before_present], method='bounded',args=(n1,n2, parent), options={'xatol':1e-4*self.one_mutation}) return cg['x'], - cg['fun'] except: self.logger("TreeTime._poly.cost_gain: optimization of gain failed", 3, warn=True) return parent.time_before_present, 0.0 def merge_nodes(source_arr, isall=False): mergers = np.array([[cost_gain(n1,n2, clade) if i1<i2 else (0.0,-1.0) for i1,n1 in enumerate(source_arr)] for i2, n2 in enumerate(source_arr)]) LH = 0 while len(source_arr) > 1 + int(isall): # max possible gains of the cost when connecting the nodes: # this is only a rough approximation because it assumes the new node positions # to be optimal new_positions = mergers[:,:,0] cost_gains = mergers[:,:,1] # set zero to large negative value and find optimal pair np.fill_diagonal(cost_gains, -1e11) idxs = np.unravel_index(cost_gains.argmax(),cost_gains.shape) if (idxs[0] == idxs[1]) or cost_gains.max()<resolution_threshold: self.logger("TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: node is not fully resolved ",4) return LH n1, n2 = source_arr[idxs[0]], source_arr[idxs[1]] LH += cost_gains[idxs] new_node = Phylo.BaseTree.Clade() # fix positions and branch lengths new_node.time_before_present = new_positions[idxs] new_node.branch_length = clade.time_before_present - new_node.time_before_present self.logger(f"TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: merging {} and {}",4) new_node.clades = [n1,n2] if n1.mask is None or n2.mask is None: new_node.mask = None new_node.mcc = None else: new_node.mask = n1.mask * n2.mask new_node.mcc = n1.mcc if n1.mcc==n2.mcc else None self.logger('TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: assigning mcc to new node ' + new_node.mcc, 4) n1.branch_length = new_node.time_before_present - n1.time_before_present n2.branch_length = new_node.time_before_present - n2.time_before_present # set parameters for the new node new_node.up = clade = self n1.up = new_node n2.up = new_node if hasattr(clade, "_cseq"): new_node._cseq = clade._cseq self.add_branch_state(new_node) new_node.mutation_length = 0.0 if self.branch_length_mode=='marginal': new_node.marginal_subtree_LH = clade.marginal_subtree_LH new_node.marginal_outgroup_LH = clade.marginal_outgroup_LH new_node.profile_pair = self.marginal_branch_profile(new_node) new_node.branch_length_interpolator = BranchLenInterpolator(new_node, self.gtr, pattern_multiplicity =, min_width=self.min_width, one_mutation=self.one_mutation, branch_length_mode=self.branch_length_mode, n_grid_points = self.branch_grid_points) clade.clades.remove(n1) clade.clades.remove(n2) clade.clades.append(new_node) self.logger('TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: creating new node as child of ',3) self.logger("TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: Delta-LH = " + str(cost_gains[idxs].round(3)), 3) # and modify source_arr array for the next loop if len(source_arr)>2: # if more than 3 nodes in polytomy, replace row/column for ii in np.sort(idxs)[::-1]: tmp_ind = np.arange(mergers.shape[0])!=ii mergers = mergers[tmp_ind].swapaxes(0,1) mergers = mergers[tmp_ind].swapaxes(0,1) source_arr.remove(n1) source_arr.remove(n2) new_gains = np.array([[cost_gain(n1,new_node, clade) for n1 in source_arr]]) mergers = np.vstack((mergers, new_gains)).swapaxes(0,1) source_arr.append(new_node) new_gains = np.array([[cost_gain(n1,new_node, clade) for n1 in source_arr]]) mergers = np.vstack((mergers, new_gains)).swapaxes(0,1) else: # otherwise just recalculate matrix source_arr.remove(n1) source_arr.remove(n2) source_arr.append(new_node) mergers = np.array([[cost_gain(n1,n2, clade) for n1 in source_arr] for n2 in source_arr]) return LH stretched = [c for c in clade.clades if c.mutation_length < c.clock_length] compressed = [c for c in clade.clades if c not in stretched] if len(stretched)<2 and merge_compressed is False: return 0.0 LH = merge_nodes(stretched, isall=len(stretched)==len(clade.clades)) if merge_compressed and len(compressed)>1: LH += merge_nodes(compressed, isall=len(compressed)==len(clade.clades)) return LH def generate_subtree(self, parent): from .branch_len_interpolator import BranchLenInterpolator # use the random number generator of TreeTime exp_dis = self.rng.exponential L = mutation_rate =*L tmax = parent.time_before_present branches_by_time = sorted(parent.clades, key=lambda x:x.time_before_present) # calculate the mutations on branches leading to nodes from the mutation length # this excludes state chances to ambiguous states mutations_per_branch = {*L) for b in branches_by_time} branches_alive=branches_by_time[:1] branches_to_come = branches_by_time[1:] t = branches_alive[-1].time_before_present if t>=tmax: # no time left -- keep everything as individual children. return # if there is no coalescent model, assume a rate that would typically coalesce all tips # in the time window between the latest and the parent node. dummy_coalescent_rate = 2.0/(tmax-t) self.logger(f"TreeTime.generate_subtree: node {} has {len(branches_by_time)} children." +f" {len([b for b,k in mutations_per_branch.items() if k>0])} have mutations." +f" The time window for coalescence is {tmax-t:1.4e}",3) # loop until time collides with the parent node or all but two branches have been dealt with # the remaining two would be the children of the parent while len(branches_alive)+len(branches_to_come)>2 and t<tmax: # branches without mutations are ready to coalesce -- others have to mutate first ready_to_coalesce = [b for b in branches_alive if mutations_per_branch.get(,0)==0] if hasattr(self, 'merger_model') and (self.merger_model is not None): coalescent_rate = self.merger_model.branch_merger_rate(t) + mutation_rate else: coalescent_rate = 0.5*len(ready_to_coalesce)*dummy_coalescent_rate + mutation_rate total_mutations = np.sum([mutations_per_branch.get(,0) for b in branches_alive]) n_branches_w_mutations = len(branches_alive) - len(ready_to_coalesce) # the probability of a branch without events is the sum of mutation and coalescent rates # branches with mutations can only mutate, the others only coalesce. This is due to the # conditioning for all branches being direct descendants of a polytomy. total_mut_rate = mutation_rate*total_mutations + coalescent_rate*n_branches_w_mutations total_coalescent_rate = max(0,(len(ready_to_coalesce)-1))*(coalescent_rate + mutation_rate) # just a single branch and no mutations --> advance to next branch if (total_mut_rate + total_coalescent_rate)==0 and len(branches_to_come): branches_alive.append(branches_to_come.pop(0)) t = branches_alive[-1].time_before_present continue # determine the next time step total_rate_inv = 1.0/(total_mut_rate + total_coalescent_rate) dt = exp_dis(total_rate_inv) t+=dt # if the time advanced past the next branch in the branches_to_come list # add this branch to branches alive and re-renter the loop if len(branches_to_come) and t>branches_to_come[0].time_before_present: while len(branches_to_come) and t>branches_to_come[0].time_before_present: branches_alive.append(branches_to_come.pop(0)) # else mutate or coalesce else: # determine whether to mutate or coalesce p = self.rng.random() mut_or_coal = p<total_mut_rate*total_rate_inv if mut_or_coal: # transform p to be on a scale of 0 to total mutation p /= total_mut_rate*total_rate_inv p *= total_mutations # discount one mutation at a time until p<0, break and remove that mutation for b in branches_alive: p -= mutations_per_branch.get(,0) if p<0: break mutations_per_branch[] -= 1 else: # pick a pair to coalesce, make a new node. picks = self.rng.choice(len(ready_to_coalesce), size=2, replace=False) new_node = Phylo.BaseTree.Clade() new_node.time_before_present = t n1, n2 = ready_to_coalesce[picks[0]], ready_to_coalesce[picks[1]] new_node.clades = [n1, n2] new_node.mutation_length = 0.0 n1.branch_length = t - n1.time_before_present n2.branch_length = t - n2.time_before_present n1.up = new_node n2.up = new_node if n1.mask is None or n2.mask is None: new_node.mask = None new_node.mcc = None else: new_node.mask = n1.mask * n2.mask new_node.mcc = n1.mcc if n1.mcc==n2.mcc else None self.logger('TreeTime._poly.merge_nodes: assigning mcc to new node ' + new_node.mcc, 4) new_node.up = parent = self if hasattr(parent, "_cseq"): new_node._cseq = parent._cseq self.add_branch_state(new_node) new_node.branch_length_interpolator = BranchLenInterpolator(new_node, self.gtr, pattern_multiplicity =, min_width=self.min_width, one_mutation=self.one_mutation, branch_length_mode=self.branch_length_mode, n_grid_points = self.branch_grid_points) branches_alive = [b for b in branches_alive if b not in [n1,n2]] + [new_node] remaining_branches = [] for b in branches_alive + branches_to_come: b.branch_length = tmax - b.time_before_present b.up = parent remaining_branches.append(b) self.logger(f"TreeTime.generate_subtree: node {} was resolved from {len(branches_by_time)} to {len(remaining_branches)} children.",3) # assign the remaining branches as new clades to the parent. parent.clades = remaining_branches
[docs] def print_lh(self, joint=True): """ Print the total likelihood of the tree given the constrained leaves Parameters ---------- joint : bool If true, print joint LH, else print marginal LH """ try: u_lh = self.tree.unconstrained_sequence_LH t_lh = self.tree.positional_LH if joint: s_lh = self.tree.sequence_joint_LH c_lh = self.tree.coalescent_joint_LH else: s_lh = self.tree.sequence_marginal_LH c_lh = 0 print ("### Tree Log-Likelihood ###\n" " Sequence log-LH without constraints: \t%1.3f\n" " Sequence log-LH with constraints: \t%1.3f\n" " TreeTime sequence log-LH: \t%1.3f\n" " Coalescent log-LH: \t%1.3f\n" "#########################"%(u_lh, s_lh,t_lh, c_lh)) except: print("ERROR. Did you run the corresponding inference (joint/marginal)?")
def add_coalescent_model(self, Tc, n_branches_posterior=False, **kwargs): """Add a coalescent model to the tree and optionally optimze Parameters ---------- Tc : float,str If this is a float, it will be interpreted as the inverse merger rate in molecular clock units, if its is a """ from .merger_models import Coalescent self.logger(' adding coalescent prior with Tc='+str(Tc),1) self.merger_model = Coalescent(self.tree, date2dist=self.date2dist, logger=self.logger, n_branches_posterior=n_branches_posterior) if Tc=='skyline': # restrict skyline model optimization to last iteration self.merger_model.optimize_skyline(**kwargs) self.logger("optimized a skyline ", 2) else: if Tc in ['opt', 'const']: self.merger_model.optimize_Tc() self.logger("optimized Tc to %f"%self.merger_model.Tc.y[0], 2) else: try: self.merger_model.set_Tc(Tc) except: self.logger("setting of coalescent time scale failed", 1, warn=True)
[docs] def relaxed_clock(self, slack=None, coupling=None, **kwargs): """ Allow the mutation rate to vary on the tree (relaxed molecular clock). Changes of the mutation rates from one branch to another are penalized. In addition, deviation of the mutation rate from the mean rate is penalized. Parameters ---------- slack : float Maximum change in substitution rate between parent and child nodes coupling : float Maximum difference in substitution rates in sibling nodes """ if slack is None: slack=ttconf.MU_ALPHA if coupling is None: coupling=ttconf.MU_BETA self.logger("TreeTime.relaxed_clock: slack=%f, coupling=%f"%(slack, coupling),2) c=1.0/self.one_mutation for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='postorder'): opt_len = node.mutation_length act_len = node.clock_length if hasattr(node, 'clock_length') else node.branch_length # opt_len \approx 1.0*len(node.mutations)/node.profile.shape[0] but calculated via gtr model # stiffness is the expectation of the inverse variance of branch length (one_mutation/opt_len) # contact term: stiffness*(g*bl - bl_opt)^2 + slack(g-1)^2 = # (slack+bl^2) g^2 - 2 (bl*bl_opt+1) g + C= k2 g^2 + k1 g + C node._k2 = slack + c*act_len**2/(opt_len+self.one_mutation) node._k1 = -2*(c*act_len*opt_len/(opt_len+self.one_mutation) + slack) # coupling term: \sum_c coupling*(g-g_c)^2 + Cost_c(g_c|g) # given g, g_c needs to be optimal-> 2*coupling*(g-g_c) = 2*child.k2 g_c + child.k1 # hence g_c = (coupling*g - 0.5*child.k1)/(coupling+child.k2) # substituting yields for child in node.clades: denom = coupling+child._k2 node._k2 += coupling*(1.0-coupling/denom)**2 + child._k2*coupling**2/denom**2 node._k1 += (coupling*(1.0-coupling/denom)*child._k1/denom \ - coupling*child._k1*child._k2/denom**2 \ + coupling*child._k1/denom) for node in self.tree.find_clades(order='preorder'): if node.up is None: node.gamma = max(0.1, -0.5*node._k1/node._k2) else: if node.up.up is None: g_up = node.up.gamma else: g_up = node.up.branch_length_interpolator.gamma node.branch_length_interpolator.gamma = max(0.1,(coupling*g_up - 0.5*node._k1)/(coupling+node._k2))
def tracelog_run(self, niter=0, ndiff=0, n_resolved=0, time_marginal=False, sequence_marginal=False, Tc=None, tracelog=None): """ Create a dictionary of parameters for the current iteration of the run function. Parameters ---------- niter : int The current iteration. ndiff : int The number of sequence changes. n_resolved : int The number of polytomy changes time_marginal : bool True if marginal position estimation was requested, else False sequence_marginal : bool True if marginal sequence estimation was requested, else False Tc : float, str The coalescent model that was used for the current iteration. tracelog : str The output file to write the trace log to. Returns ------- trace_dict : str A dictionary of parameters for the current iteration. """ # Store the run parameters in a dictionary trace_dict = { 'Sample' : niter, 'ndiff' : ndiff, 'n_resolved' : n_resolved, 'seq_mode' : ('marginal' if sequence_marginal else 'joint') if self.aln else 'no sequences given', 'seq_LH' : (self.tree.sequence_marginal_LH if sequence_marginal else self.tree.sequence_joint_LH) if self.aln else 0, 'pos_mode' : 'marginal' if time_marginal else 'joint', 'pos_LH' : self.tree.positional_LH, 'coal_mode' : Tc, 'coal_LH' : self.tree.coalescent_joint_LH, } # Write the current iteration to a file if tracelog: # Only on the initial round, write the headers if niter == 0: with open(tracelog, "w") as outfile: header = "\t".join(trace_dict.keys()) outfile.write(header + "\n") # Write the parameters with open(tracelog, "a") as outfile: params_str = [str(p) for p in trace_dict.values()] params = "\t".join(params_str) outfile.write(params + "\n") return trace_dict ############################################################################### ### rerooting ############################################################################### def _find_best_root(self, covariation=True, force_positive=True, slope=None, **kwarks): ''' Determine the node that, when the tree is rooted on this node, results in the best regression of temporal constraints and root to tip distances. Parameters ---------- infer_gtr : bool If True, infer new GTR model after re-root covariation : bool account for covariation structure when rerooting the tree force_positive : bool only accept positive evolutionary rate estimates when rerooting the tree ''' for n in self.tree.find_clades(): n.branch_length=n.mutation_length self.logger("TreeTime._find_best_root: searching for the best root position...",2) Treg = self.setup_TreeRegression(covariation=covariation) return Treg.optimal_reroot(force_positive=force_positive, slope=slope, keep_node_order=self.keep_node_order)['node']
[docs]def plot_vs_years(tt, step = None, ax=None, confidence=None, ticks=True, selective_confidence=None, **kwargs): ''' Converts branch length to years and plots the time tree on a time axis. Parameters ---------- tt : TreeTime object A TreeTime instance after a time tree is inferred step : int Width of shaded boxes indicating blocks of years. Will be inferred if not specified. To switch off drawing of boxes, set to 0 ax : matplotlib axes Axes to be used to plot, will create new axis if None confidence : tuple, float Draw confidence intervals. This assumes that marginal time tree inference was run. Confidence intervals are either specified as an interval of the posterior distribution like (0.05, 0.95) or as the weight of the maximal posterior region , e.g. 0.9 **kwargs : dict Key word arguments that are passed down to Phylo.draw ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tt.branch_length_to_years() nleafs = tt.tree.count_terminals() if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) ax = plt.subplot(111) else: fig = None # draw tree if "label_func" not in kwargs: kwargs["label_func"] = lambda if (x.is_terminal() and nleafs<30) else "" Phylo.draw(tt.tree, axes=ax, do_show=False, **kwargs) offset = tt.tree.root.numdate - tt.tree.root.branch_length date_range = np.max([n.numdate for n in tt.tree.get_terminals()])-offset # estimate year intervals if not explicitly specified if step is None or (step>0 and date_range/step>100): step = 10**np.floor(np.log10(date_range)) if date_range/step<2: step/=5 elif date_range/step<5: step/=2 step = max(1.0/12,step) # set axis labels if step: dtick = step min_tick = step*(offset//step) extra = dtick if dtick<date_range else dtick tick_vals = np.arange(min_tick, min_tick+date_range+extra, dtick) xticks = tick_vals - offset else: xticks = ax.get_xticks() dtick = xticks[1]-xticks[0] shift = offset - dtick*(offset//dtick) xticks -= shift tick_vals = [x+offset-shift for x in xticks] ax.set_xticks(xticks) if step>=1: tick_labels = ["%d"%(int(x)) for x in tick_vals] else: tick_labels = ["%1.2f"%(x) for x in tick_vals] ax.set_xlim((0,date_range)) ax.set_xticklabels(tick_labels) ax.set_xlabel('year') ax.set_ylabel('') # put shaded boxes to delineate years if step: ylim = ax.get_ylim() xlim = ax.get_xlim() from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle for yi,year in enumerate(np.arange(np.floor(tick_vals[0]), tick_vals[-1]+.01, step)): pos = year - offset r = Rectangle((pos, ylim[1]-5), step, ylim[0]-ylim[1]+10, facecolor=[0.88+0.04*(1+yi%2)] * 3, edgecolor=[0.8,0.8,0.8]) ax.add_patch(r) if step>=1: if year in tick_vals and pos>=xlim[0] and pos<=xlim[1] and ticks: label_str = "%1.2f"%(step*(year//step)) if step<1 else str(int(year)) ax.text(pos,ylim[0]-0.04*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]), label_str, horizontalalignment='center') if step>=1: ax.set_axis_off() # add confidence intervals to the tree graph -- grey bars if confidence: tree_layout(tt.tree) if not hasattr(tt.tree.root, "marginal_inverse_cdf"): raise NotReadyError("marginal time tree reconstruction required for confidence intervals") elif type(confidence) is float: cfunc = tt.get_max_posterior_region elif len(confidence)==2: cfunc = tt.get_confidence_interval else: raise NotReadyError("confidence needs to be either a float (for max posterior region) or a two numbers specifying lower and upper bounds") for n in tt.tree.find_clades(): if not n.bad_branch and (selective_confidence is None or selective_confidence(n)): pos = cfunc(n, confidence) ax.plot(pos-offset, np.ones(len(pos))*n.ypos, lw=3, c=(0.5,0.5,0.5)) return fig, ax
def treetime_to_newick(tt, outf): Phylo.write(tt.tree, outf, 'newick') if __name__=="__main__": pass